Not sure we can say if anything will 100% be released, altho we can make some guesses right now. I would say the most likely releases are Yoda and Crait Luke, simply because they were teased early before the official announcement. However we have no way of knowing anything beyond that. Bandai is known for making lots of prototypes that never see release. We all would like Leia to be released, we simply don't know if that version will ever see the light of day.She'll 100% be released. Before a few months ago at that show where they blew the doors off with reveals, I think there's been a total of 5-6 non-trooper/droid variants that haven't been released and most were sequel trilogy related. I think ST stuff could be iffy, but anything OT will come out. They've done pretty well so far even if they're web exclusives.
Exactly, there's well over a year with nothing Star Wars related coming out now. They went really light on Solo stuff, so now it's just PT/OT stuff to come out. Besides Crait Luke, I'm not sure what else we'll see from the ST before Ep 9. Rey and Kylo seemed to sell well but nothing else, all clearanced.
This line isn't their bread and butter so I'm kind of OK with their production; especially considering they're not allowed yet to sell anywhere but Japan. They're not Hasbro making waves of figures every few months. I'm sure they know the figures are getting out but still. Being available everywhere would be a huge deal for the line. Look at the Marvel line and how much bigger that got with them being able to sell everywhere and how much they did for IW in a short time span.
I just ordered C-3PO and R2 for my desk using today's eBay coupon. Does anyone have any opinions on these two figures?
I cant believe i missed the PO for Rots Anakin, anyone know of a trustworthy site that still has him available????
Hello all (⌒‿⌒) for those who purchase TLJ Luke Skywalker
Please complete the survey. Bandai want to hear your feedback and future figure development.
I'm still waiting on mine to arrive from Nippon-Yasan! It got to the US yesterday, so hopefully I get him soon!