Super Freak

i hope they make a cameo. maybe in zordon's lair.

I wouldn't compare PR to Batman though.
PR might have a cult following but Batman casting was on primetime news and on every entertainment show was the lead story.
These kids got casted for the PR movie and it didn't even make my local newspaper lol.
I have no idea who these teen actors are.
Keaton/Kilmer/Clooney/Bale/Affleck being cast as Batman were huge stories.
So yeah, there's Batman then there's everything else.
How BvS was box office poison for WB is for another discussion lol.
it all comes down to the rotten tomatoes result
Whoever listens to what rotten tomatoes has to say should be sent to an insane asylum.
Whoever listens to what rotten tomatoes has to say should be sent to an insane asylum.
Well once again you can't blame RT because all they do is just compile the data and present the results.
That's all they do, compile and present.
Blame the paid off critics who submit their reviews though lol.
Lots of people do though.
He's saying people that listen to what rotten vegetables say, as in rotten tomatoes in your kitchen are talking to you, should be sent to the asylum, because that's clearly in your head.
Now talking about the actual website, I see what ever movies I want to see but when a film that is under the radar or I didn't have any interest in is getting killer reviews and word of mouth, I'll go check it out. Things like It Follows and The Guest are two examples. The new Quiji movie is getting fantastic reviews so that might be another film I see that I had no interest in.
If megazord had dragonzord power they would have won.
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Oh yeah...that was the oldschool childhood one hit pinch right there lol
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So first movie is available on demand on HBO Go in 1080p, closest thing we will get in hi def from this movie. I hate the look of the rangers in this movie, they should have stuck to the original cloth and helmet design IMHO, even the first movie got them right, but who knows, what will carry this movie is the toy line.