I like Satan. My 9 year old niece and I were discussing this the other day in the car. If Adam & Eve had not eaten the fruit, they would never have evolved past the level of elaborate pets. They would never have had to think of anything more complex than food and sex. They would never have had a need for knowledge of good and evil, hence would never have had to consider questions of value in general. There would never have been theater, or medicine, or architecture, or fashion, or philosophy, or any form of invention generally, life improving invention specifically.
I suppose you could say that in Eden they needed none of those things, but that goes right back to the beginning of my post: pets don't need those things either.
At the end of the conversation, the 9 year old had concluded that she would never want to have been a pet. She enjoys being morally autonomous, and considers herself superior to dogs, cats, and goldfish on account of it. Presently, she's trying to decide whether or not she should like Satan too. Tricky question for a kid her age.