I like Satan.....
My real name is Beelzebub but you can call me Beelz.
But that's his daughters name. I prefer mine. Just more fun to say. Memnoch.
I thought Lilith was?.....
I think you're right on that but I was referring to Lucy: Daughter of the Devil
lol...no, I meant Lucifer!.......we are so derailing this thread!
I know but Lucie and Lucy.. how could I not? And really.. we all knew this was gonna get locked sooner or later. May as well have some fun with it
.....on a serious note though, I believe the devil, satan or whatever the hell u wanna call him is the best representation of mankind in general IMO....just my two cents, y'all...
I dunno. I tend to believe that most people are basically good (or at least have the inclination to be good). To say that the embodiment of evil represents an entire species is perhaps overdoing it.
I basically believe, rather than painting a box red and tossing the whole of humanity in it, its more accurate to acknowledge that every person is in a constant state of flux between cursing humanity and blessing it.
I dunno. I tend to believe that most people are basically good (or at least have the inclination to be good). To say that the embodiment of evil represents an entire species is perhaps overdoing it.
I basically believe, rather than painting a box red and tossing the whole of humanity in it, its more accurate to acknowledge that every person is in a constant state of flux between cursing humanity and blessing it.