Long live this thread, but I fear it is NECA who is delivering the very death knoll to what this thread was seeking to attain: the furtherment of the 12" POTA line.
I wanted to let everybody know that this month I celebrate BOTH the 10th Anniversary of the Sideshow's 12" Planet of the Apes line announcement and the 10th Anniversary of my participation in this Freak Board. Even though it states my join date was September 2005, I actually started early February 2004 (that date got erased when we joined a new server) when it was announced during Toy Fair that year that Sideshow would be making 12" figures from my favorite film series... a dream come true... for as long as it would last.
Anyway, in recognition of this, I wanted to post pictures of the status of my current collection (sorry for the poor quality of photos):
Also I wanted to share the newest addition of my collection (and it's BIG too):
Monster in Motion is offering a reprint of the gorgeous British Quad Poster (which is my favorite POTA poster). It's 30" X 40" and double matted. My dad (fellow Freak Board Member Old Grandpa) surprised me with it for Christmas this year. The pictures do not do it justice... it looks stunning in person.
And my wife was gracious enough to let it be hung in a place of prominence... in the staircase as you enter our house.
Well... Happy 10th Anniversary everyone! It's been great getting to known all of my Fellow Freak/Ape Brethren throughout the years!
Very well said. I've looked through the whole thread from the beginning of time being on here and love everything Ape related. That's why my name is the way it is. Been a POTA fan since I was a little. I'm just starting to decide and pick up some Sideshow Apes and even the Hot Toys Gorrilla's hopefully. As a new but long time Ape fan I'm very excited to do this. I'm also planning on building an Ape city and other sets thanks to the inspiration of stickman. He gave me some direction and I'm going to jump ahead and do so. I support this thread and group of people. I've done so since the beginning of me joining this forum. I will hopefully be posting more things in this thread soon. I'm going to start building the Ape collection and with the release of Neca's Ape line that will certainly be huge I guarantee it. Until than all you talented and Ape fans be alive and keep posting things. This is my favorite thread EVER. Keep the support going and maybe we ill get someone to do 1/6 Apes again and Ironman I will be contacting Neca to try and do 1/6 Apes. I'm just at least glad they are doing Apes at all! Super happy about the releases coming and hope more to be made soon. I support this thread and all of you.Hello Ape fans!
As many of you may know I started this thread a long time ago. In internet terms this thread is now in its third form of this forum.
Its initial purpose was to try and gather support from other ape fans to see if it would be possible to show Sideshow that there was still a market for POTA 12" figures.
That attempt failed.
However, this thread grew like a venomous monster. It showcased many unbelievably talented individuals, some gone, some still here. All lovers of 1:6 Planet of the Apes and through them many new, never imagined to be possible/available, sculpts and accessories were done and made available. Many of us have expanded our collections due to the efforts of Jessica, Angel and so many others. I've seen members of this thread go and seen new ones come in and continue to create a whole new "line" of 12' apes [Hi Michael Kostka!] This is what this thread was meant to do. Evoke a love of this crazy sci-fi film and tv series that would keep it going.
Eventually, and I would like to think that this thread [at least in a small way] helped, Hot Toys saw fit to show that Planet of the Apes deserved to be alive in 1:6. Alas, like so many Hot Toys licenses, they left the series incomplete and only offered fans three gorilla figures. Great figures they were but they were too few.
Now, I am asking you all a favor. If you come to this thread and enjoy what these 21 thousand plus posts have to show. If you can feel the passion from everyone who, past and present, have showed their fondness for Planet of the Apes. Please, whether you are a strict 1:6 collector or you like anything POTA related that they throw at you, email, PM, message on FB, write - do all of these, to NECA and ask them to reconsider their decision to not visit a 1:6 Planet of the Apes.
I'm not saying, and please don't misunderstand me as others have, that the 7" and 1/4 scale shouldn't be issued. I'm simply asking that the largest collector fanbase, the 1:6 collector, not be excluded.
Thank you.
If ANYONE is attending Toy Fair, PLEASE stop by NECA and ask them to correct this wrong.
NECA street address:
NECA – National Entertainment Collectibles Association
PO BOX 5651
Clark, NJ 07066
To "email" them, you have to go thru their site [unless someone has a direct email}
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