Scammed by ebay buyer: andcr1306

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Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score
I should have known better than to sell to this *******
I sold him a brand new Hot Toys ROTS Obi Wan Deluxe
the buyer opens it and does God knows what with it, now claims that
"the legs feel like they are going to fall off"
here is my session with ebay,

Hi youngguns303, this is Marietta, one of my favourite colleagues. I'll leave you both to it, and I'll be back when you guys are done.

Hello, welcome to eBay – my name is Marietta, Please allow me a few moments to review your details.

OK thanks
I see you opened this account 18 years ago, thank you for your loyalty

Yeah I can't believe it has been that long

MMS478 Hot Toys 1/6 scale Star Wars ROTS Episode 3 Obi Wan Kenobi Deluxe bonus
Is that the item?


You are amazing

Thanks for reporting this to us, let me go ahead and check the details of the transaction so I can go ahead and help resolve this for you.

sure thank you
I completely understand that you've done the right thing listing the item on eBay and that you have sent it without any problem.

Ebay would highly recommend for you to accept the return to avoid any defect and to encourage good buying experience. Buyer will be required to return the item within the given timeframe if they will not be able to do it then we can easily close the case in your favor.

Honestly, I have a buyer with 0 feedback (I should have known better than to sell to him) that opened up the figure I sent him and is claiming that it feels like it will fall apart. I have a very good gut feeling I am being had.
I understand

We don’t want you to be out of pocket that is why, the best thing to do is to get the item back so you will have the chance to relist it. If you successfully resolve this issue with the buyer you’ll receive an automatic final value fee credit.”

Now that the buyer has opened it the value is depleted. So, I will lose either way. How do I know he is telling the truth? He could have had an accident with the figure or swapped it out with his own defective figure?

Facilitating a return case will have a good impact to your selling performance and not only that, we'll not let you process a refund but we'll wait for you to assess the item. Now, if you confirm that it's really a false claim, we'll have the case escalated. The best part is facilitating a return will grant you to appeal a case if worst case scenario happen.

With my seller's history projecting that I always deliver exactly what I promised it seems as if I would have a little better standing with ebay. What are my other options?

Now, for us to make sure that you are protected as a seller, I would recommend you to accept the return and get your Item back because if you received the Item and it’s in the same condition as what you have sent, then you can get your FVF credit back and you can report the buyer for doing false claim and relist the Item back, I’m pretty sure there would be lot of buyers whose still wanting to buy your Item.

It is already in worse shape it has been opened. That already knocks like 100 dollars off the value.

I understand , that is the option now is to accept the return

Hypothetically, if I were not to accept the return what would happen?

There is a possibility that the buyer will escalate the case and ask for eBay to step in. As a mediator on the case, we will review the claim of both sides then come up with a recommendation. WE may force them to return the item to you for you to inspect. You may contact us by then to check on other options. "

Ok, thank you for your help.

I'm glad that I'm part of your resolution today. Consider this as done! Again my name is Marietta

It’s been a pleasure chatting with you

Thank you for using eBay live chat. I will close our chat now.

Have a wonderful day:)

You as well.
8:34 pm
Marietta has left the conversation
EBay really needs a buyer rating system. This is my fear selling sealed stuff on eBay. People can easily swap out their old/broken stuff with your mint/sealed stuff and do a return.

This 100%. I just sold 4 1/6 figures as a bulk to a user with the best offer, not only did I packed the figures while waiting for payment, I even tossed in a free gift, messaged the buyer on how awesome these figures are and realized 5 days later that I'm an idiot because the buyer never even responded to my PM's. I cancelled the deal and the buyer was not reprimanded whatsoever.

Anyway, a tip to all eBay sellers-- ALWAYS document yourself packing the figure, it's not uncommon for buyers to just swap out a figure and claim you sold a defective one or claim that some accessories are missing. I make it my business to record a video of myself inspecting and packing my shipment in case the need arises. Thankfully nothing bad has happened in my 6 years of selling but you'll never know.
The only options I have is to
Accept Refund. Get the now opened and damaged item back and give him a refund.
Refund him in full and let him keep it (yeah he can kiss my ass)
I have one shot at making an offer at a lower price and he gets to keep it. (Jerk off hand gesture)
As if it weren't bad enough Ebay already kept $87 off this transaction.
Ebay has some sort of accountability though, mercari and others not so much. I personally knew an ex friend who did this practice of buying figures then returning them, scamming sellers, so I learned from him on how to be cover myself as a seller.

The best way to have ebay on your side is to take pictures of before, during and after packaging that way they can’t say it was you. Also be accurate in your wording, “sold as is.” Is a long way of saying what they buy is what they get for example.

No way i would sell to my local shops since they lowball you Worse than shady ebay buyers to be honest. I have been offered $100 on four hot toys figures that I ended up selling them on ebay for $1,500.
Turns out his complaint is that the legs move when you shake the figure. I have no idea if ebay comprehends how lame this excuse is.
Turns out his complaint is that the legs move when you shake the figure. I have no idea if ebay comprehends how lame this excuse is.

They were lucky. If it'd been a Sideshow Obi-Wan it would probably be doing the can-can when he shook him. :monkey3

I found selling on eBay too much hassle. On top of that there's been the buyer-friendly rules for years that've been conducive to scams.

It's a gamble, so if you're selling a lot of things regularly you have to look at the overall picture.

People are fickle too though. They spend their money on something, then see something shinier they'd rather have, so they'll come up with any lame excuse to get their money back.

Selling online anywhere would just be too much hassle, so I'd rather break a figure down to use the parts for making something else. It hasn't come to that yet with any Hot Toys figures, but there's a few that have been living on borrowed time for years.
They were lucky. If it'd been a Sideshow Obi-Wan it would probably be doing the can-can when he shook him. :monkey3

I found selling on eBay too much hassle. On top of that there's been the buyer-friendly rules for years that've been conducive to scams.

It's a gamble, so if you're selling a lot of things regularly you have to look at the overall picture.

People are fickle too though. They spend their money on something, then see something shinier they'd rather have, so they'll come up with any lame excuse to get their money back.

Selling online anywhere would just be too much hassle, so I'd rather break a figure down to use the parts for making something else. It hasn't come to that yet with any Hot Toys figures, but there's a few that have been living on borrowed time for years.
Yeah honestly I think that was why they started selling Kiki fix in the first place. It seems to be expected with heavy 1/6 figures to have slightly loose joints.
This as well as the fact they charge 12% and some wild fees, has made me not want to sell anymore. Also the fact that theu want to send me a 1099 for making over $600 when they already collected taxes off the buyer.
I almost don't want to buy anymore either with their added taxes.
The customer service as a seller that makes their money for them really sucks.
I'm joining the never sell on ebay again group now.
I take an additional step. I use an UV marker to place marks on the figure. Such as body. Had a buyer say the figure arrived broken. He had actually returned his own broken figure. I sent eBay photos of the figure with the marks under UV light and of the returned figure under UV light (no marks) reluctantly ebay sided with me.
I take an additional step. I use an UV marker to place marks on the figure. Such as body. Had a buyer say the figure arrived broken. He had actually returned his own broken figure. I sent eBay photos of the figure with the marks under UV light and of the returned figure under UV light (no marks) reluctantly ebay sided with me.

I take an additional step. I use an UV marker to place marks on the figure. Such as body. Had a buyer say the figure arrived broken. He had actually returned his own broken figure. I sent eBay photos of the figure with the marks under UV light and of the returned figure under UV light (no marks) reluctantly ebay sided with me.
You are an evil genius. lol
That's what I get for selling a sealed figure.
I may have to sell them all as inspected.
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I sold a pair of Jordan's on eBay (several actually), but one particular pair the buyer filed a false charge through their credit card provider AFTER I had shipped the shoes but before the eBay authenticator got them. Despite that, eBay auth sent him the shoes and refunded his money. Luckily, I had tracking proof and they covered the cost and I didn't lose money, but they make it super easy for scammers to scam...
Nothing like experiencing and learning the hard way.

It sucks.

Your circumstance/experience is a major reason why I don't post/sell on eBay anymore.

Just way too many scamming buyers scamming honest sellers on niche items like 1:6 figures.

eBay needs to reimpose the option to leave negative feedback to buyers.

Personally, I would dox that piece of **** buyer online provided you have the buyer's info.

When I used to sell on eBay, I declined any bid/purchase from buyers with 0 feedback and I was very clear and specific with my item description and terms.

One scumbag tried to circumvent it by claiming the quality of an item was poor. He demanded a refund and to keep the item. I declined. He left me negative feedback. I took it and left him a neutral feedback and doxxed his info online at places that caters to "retribution" against idiots like him.

Many of the items I previously listed are sought after MIB/NRFB 1:6 figures that draw attention from scamming buyers. After one scam attempt (didn't go through), I stopped listing and selling on eBay. I occasionally buy depending on the item, but eBay is now perilous more so to honest buyers and sellers. Heck, even buying/selling in groups is also perilous and fraught with scamming buyers and sellers.
Below is my eBay blocked bidder/buyer list I accumulated based on first hand experience and information learned from a variety of collector groups (including CF).

Feel free to compare and add to/update your eBay blocked bidder/buyer list.

10silverbolt, 1127brucelee, 1234567890lei, 1never2look3back, 2008, 2010mahimahi, 2012franki, 210172child, 22catlover11, 250485angela, 26jedi, 31, 365buy-best, 4umyluv, 510shopquest, 518brenda09, 734, 740georgex3, 77panther, a.rive6, a1ex9410, aaemus_0, aardvarkguy1, abegonzale_31, aboyasser2007, abxba, achugh1, actionfigurecollectibles, acyuta-6, affadidas, affliction23, agcubx3, ahmet14533462, akashacaduceus666, alangopal, alelovel-3, alonghi93, [email protected], amazing_heroes, amber32-1, andcr1306, andrianw, angelface, angelino1558, aokur, apophis41362, arafat209, arielthe1, arriafemi, artnrita, artsysexmusic, arujeon0, ascd, ash4msphoenix, ashlee2020brown, assdynamocamp, aucoin73-83, aweb1753, awil2717, b_raw93, babygq14, babygx1, bach5575-fkxkqaiw, badlt437, bamtptplyr, barginsharks, baseballcardkid78, bassman363, batugan001, bbenny64, bcarlmark, bcbuyer11, bcunning, bearsbowl08, bearylyworn, berrynicks, bghoramxula, bigrussautos, bigshellz, bitemebotch, blackace5, blackhawk1995, blakblrr, blazin173, bleu_cojones, bluekarma7, bobbr7123, bodyland, bohongdianzi2008, bokdavid2_okc, bonodu1, bornbr3, bowen_designs, bowmanclan, bowtiecollection, boyznbluez, bpara1, breadedchicken, [email protected], brensol, brittluvscass76, brmcm-8526, buddy016166, bundy619, bwrap01, ca-aayl, cadtoribuckne-0, cam7399, camichanel, carla_funde, carlos_713, carlosaobraz1, caso1326, catman657, cbai3942, cdaily1988, centralcoastelectronics, chace1977, chaps79, charlieb.2156, chas1950, cheffuego, chiefmechanicj,, chrissy1277, chrome0214, chrstbern19, cilencio1, ckis4458, clef200, clindo22,, codeecat, collectors_stash, corona_in_a_can, cosmic_lord_x2, cre8edjust4us, crna2004, croata, crossedupsports, cucareamba, cudaaar1970, cullen7282, curplemarket, currinjaw-d, custservicestinks, d6265msc, dac589, daelokim, dannad0110, dantep21, dapell2, darthmaris, dawgette2008, dchetex, deadpool888, designers4africa, dessertdweller123, destrony, deveshishere, dewi6514, dforce2, dg790406, diggertwo, discodancer1234, dma9000, dmitriev1970, dnrc136, docfr8, doctoroptimus, dollhousesandmorellc, don*coyote, donka1900, donnarae603, doodlemaster84, dozalr, draderz2, dragon-curse, drakem05, drippycloud, drmess, drtorch2004, [email protected], dtoys2011, dtplayland, dujianguo1112, dumel.dumel, dvdmattr, dwyerja, dz_160, eaglesports_0, ealvarab, ebuy-n-esell, egamaxs, ejtint, elichai90, elitetint, eltoncisp-2, enrique1382, eq2machine, eraija3, ericounitou, erik_roks, esoracco, essentialzdirect, etiag4, ewolfe37, falmor10, fareaststar*, fargogreen20, farisrenee, fascistpork, feb_ulous626, fenfightguess, ferrari8nbe_5, figuredoc, flafla29, foreverannoyed, fotix03, foureyes117, fped2919, fpri8587, fredb4actionfigures, frind2013, fumes512, gaben-14, gaborka53, gadbox, galvatron4ever, gamerdc650, gara8181, garage3680, garc1989, gascapstealer, gatsby8833, gcadezc, gccbid, gemtun1, general-avirex, gerome3241, gigantic2010, gina35, glennlmiller, gloriabutler1954, glory_road, gmcards2, goallincom, goformanunited, gorbltded, gothamcitycollectiblesworld, graphics_ever, grayler123, great$white, gregserval, [email protected], ground-dog, guardianangels1969, gundamnyc, guo_rockwa, guofei8608038, gw001a0003_3, hannamamu_0, harey*, harold4695, hawg_602, hawkdoc60, hedysplace419, helgachristopher, hellfireta, herbies2222, heroesandrobots, herosuper9, holycowitsme, hootowl312010, hoppner1965, horror102, hotdarthvader, huggybear1971, hummel150,, i_am_backsoon, iamkonco, iammistercollector1984, ian.fuentes, idn0d55, ileanam2007, images, inferno_gn, instinctmurder, inthegood, intimidator67x, iron_man_mini, issacng1989, items_4_less, its_yorxbox, iwantanewcell, [email protected], jacrjay-049d7t3r4z, jade110610, jahggie, jalyn4523, jamesmorris1974, jangminsu, [email protected], jaycelambert, jaysta718, jbeca33, jc4594.ftbks9x, jc_iphone, jcaponte4009, jcflo-92, jcr102567, jedigp01, jedimaster71472, jeff21, jeilender, jenaywins, jenn_valingo, jennyn64, jesicasman7, jetskimotorsports24, jfcaceresl, jgarcia1080, jiangxinrong19_3, jjyyeva, [email protected], jlowlor123, jmwjoswat, joe261979, joeadmire, joeycallahanart, johnwoconnor, jomaly520_123, jorgemarvi, josef_d_2, josep.eccle, josh5531, joshua.barrientes, joshuandrea-2009, josiah7410, joyloucn, jpink18, jrcats1, jrss74, jsb518, juancarr23, jubjubman, jucega, junado74, kaijukilla98, kaliaticus, kalliope1997, kawaiihamtaro69, kaymbee0611, kc_mallard3, ketwitty, kevin7jen, kevinj4961, kevinyang621, kfeuge18, khaldi1, kidneydoc_us, killnodie1313, king_of_chips94, kingt.i.p, kinsha_na, kissentials76, kivaemperor, klg8045, knownonez, kodiakzodiac, kratos_br, krclixdc, laenshee, lalaga67, landothings, languagemore00012014, largedistant1202, lcmuddawg, lennyoldtyme, leoniedas1974, leostabile, levit05, lextasy93, lgbtrainsrme, lgmproductions, limitedpotentialonline, lionsndyellocake, [email protected], lisalisa3333, lisostra, littlebun2006, lopezl66, lordhelmchen67, louisebab00, lovemycac, lucho93700, luciedakilla, luisfemartne0, luke792012, lunchbox69420, luv-32, lwpcollectibles, madoldbiddy, mahone83, majesticfire, malk1007, mankar_camoran, marhuka61, maria56498, marken4rise, marvelman3122, marypo1977, matt1, matts651, mavixander, [email protected], md.fitz, me_like_retro, meeksonater, member00043, merycherry, mezmure79, mg2065, michaeldmanning7880, mikey1776, mikey27, milanodawg, mindfreakx, minnesota122001, mistcaswel0, [email protected], mixman32, mj84819046, mjf221fm, mmemenga, mobuzzsaw, modernist_1, monika_glamour, moonstruck_hero, mooremoore33, mosportscards2008, mostlyninety9, moyraathropos, mph3436, mr2shine, murcelij, mylz78, mysg_estore, naaaad, nanafind, nattorr, nckptrsn, neouneou, newbsf, newguy106, nice, nicolaweave-0, nightchillers, nikphil75, ninja1matt, nobuys, noe198522, nookorious, notdos, ocaljose, of, offline, okcards321, omarj19, online, oz1944, p4toys, packrat2-2007, papadragon13, patrictavare-0, patsy155, paul_starchild, paulie60, pbartz60, pedronincomp00p, pennybk226, people, persrara, philluva, pichamonmam, planetofthegrapes28, playball-cards-and-more, plesk0, popstrains, powes1, pristinecollect, pseemoes, psfonsecamonteiro, pslflmerchandiser, pucrettub_rn, pvd_atb, qualityparts-4less, quarryview, r*r*r, r60richard, raeus2015, raffyrowdy150, rajivv8, ramrom.zvdrg, rangersplash93, rasta_nz, rawn2013, raymondv9633, razier77, rcaddict86, rdanacunningham18, [email protected], redhoodparizz, redsoxandbluetights, regsales637, renatoromano1, rencarra-0, retrofacts, retrojordan, reubenrichardson, reverb123, rgshirtsatwnf, richa.beato, rickydoubleyou, rirasa, rlpry, robot_mania, rockero48, romerramire-58, romher.jk9llsrha, ronald4769, ronfar70, ronnyberry1, rorblis0, rosariocelada, royalleanderso-0, [email protected], rpow5301, rram1962, rs_turbo10, rui23mj, rundown70, rxoyczk, s9a2r4a0i6, sadhuman123, sato10, satuikke, sayles_brad, sbblue, sc_store9999, scalafini123, scarbrs, sces2b, seblebonlebon, sejac3, senkitoys, septgurls, shagholio, shanemactravor, shays3blues, shewarnedyou, shmoomonkey, showcase97, shury82, sifrao200, sithlord_macgyver, skuzzzzy, skynet_edfaely, sladewilson95, slarmond, slippersassy, smallfamiliar2707, smitty7112, smoothfalcons1220, snake1_4, sonofmaxx13, sopheak5684, sphere1011, spidergk, spiderland-1991, spideyrules, sportzhandi, sri8c2, ss64chevy, starlite-2009, stephaninovakowsk-0, stoneycruster, stroberts44, stusutcliff, sugarcanerider, super-hot-packs, susej67, sw-hotcards, sweetfacedgemini, szkopiec32, taniavallina, tarasciosabina64sabina, taxibuyer, tech_com_kyle, tedmorrow, teksushi2, tema_moscow, teresad8691, terry.currelley, thachngvn, the-history-bus, the-movie-maniac, the_puniisher, theauctionologist, thehowdystore2012, themasterchief1995, theneed4diecast8787, thepowerofgrayskull, therommelofretail, thesonyman1, thilmony22, thing34, third_gunk, thorwm1973, tiff_cn2bd9mv, timisdeath, timo9, tingx-us, tinhoguerra, tkwilder, tmacdad76, tmansuperion, tom1212, tonantoncru, toycruizer, toyhunteradp, toystarusa, traciecook11, trog41, ugotrickrolld2011, ultimate8pac, ultraman_se, us2014-ormer, uskare-hczqejugo, utaylor77, valhalla43, vamsi_kan, vanc-zac, velfare, vera308, verna2122, vincelyn2002, vingenzo3, virtual_pom_cerise, virtualparano, viscocarz, vivacantando, volcomstone87, wappingpug2, waspakos, wbg717, weeindianboy, well_blade, witdallspark26, wolves_customs_inc, woundedtiger, wyp-productions, xagmninety, xdecor2001, xenounknown, yellowroseofiowa, yesdudesir, yugi83blueeyes, yuji_br, yuong1981, zed19830918, zerocool3709, zhangguochang2009, zombiegirl-2013
Below is my eBay blocked bidder/buyer list I accumulated based on first hand experience and information learned from a variety of collector groups (including CF).

Feel free to compare and add to/update your eBay blocked bidder/buyer list.

10silverbolt, 1127brucelee, 1234567890lei, 1never2look3back, 2008, 2010mahimahi, 2012franki, 210172child, 22catlover11, 250485angela, 26jedi, 31, 365buy-best, 4umyluv, 510shopquest, 518brenda09, 734, 740georgex3, 77panther, a.rive6, a1ex9410, aaemus_0, aardvarkguy1, abegonzale_31, aboyasser2007, abxba, achugh1, actionfigurecollectibles, acyuta-6, affadidas, affliction23, agcubx3, ahmet14533462, akashacaduceus666, alangopal, alelovel-3, alonghi93, [email protected], amazing_heroes, amber32-1, andcr1306, andrianw, angelface, angelino1558, aokur, apophis41362, arafat209, arielthe1, arriafemi, artnrita, artsysexmusic, arujeon0, ascd, ash4msphoenix, ashlee2020brown, assdynamocamp, aucoin73-83, aweb1753, awil2717, b_raw93, babygq14, babygx1, bach5575-fkxkqaiw, badlt437, bamtptplyr, barginsharks, baseballcardkid78, bassman363, batugan001, bbenny64, bcarlmark, bcbuyer11, bcunning, bearsbowl08, bearylyworn, berrynicks, bghoramxula, bigrussautos, bigshellz, bitemebotch, blackace5, blackhawk1995, blakblrr, blazin173, bleu_cojones, bluekarma7, bobbr7123, bodyland, bohongdianzi2008, bokdavid2_okc, bonodu1, bornbr3, bowen_designs, bowmanclan, bowtiecollection, boyznbluez, bpara1, breadedchicken, [email protected], brensol, brittluvscass76, brmcm-8526, buddy016166, bundy619, bwrap01, ca-aayl, cadtoribuckne-0, cam7399, camichanel, carla_funde, carlos_713, carlosaobraz1, caso1326, catman657, cbai3942, cdaily1988, centralcoastelectronics, chace1977, chaps79, charlieb.2156, chas1950, cheffuego, chiefmechanicj,, chrissy1277, chrome0214, chrstbern19, cilencio1, ckis4458, clef200, clindo22,, codeecat, collectors_stash, corona_in_a_can, cosmic_lord_x2, cre8edjust4us, crna2004, croata, crossedupsports, cucareamba, cudaaar1970, cullen7282, curplemarket, currinjaw-d, custservicestinks, d6265msc, dac589, daelokim, dannad0110, dantep21, dapell2, darthmaris, dawgette2008, dchetex, deadpool888, designers4africa, dessertdweller123, destrony, deveshishere, dewi6514, dforce2, dg790406, diggertwo, discodancer1234, dma9000, dmitriev1970, dnrc136, docfr8, doctoroptimus, dollhousesandmorellc, don*coyote, donka1900, donnarae603, doodlemaster84, dozalr, draderz2, dragon-curse, drakem05, drippycloud, drmess, drtorch2004, [email protected], dtoys2011, dtplayland, dujianguo1112, dumel.dumel, dvdmattr, dwyerja, dz_160, eaglesports_0, ealvarab, ebuy-n-esell, egamaxs, ejtint, elichai90, elitetint, eltoncisp-2, enrique1382, eq2machine, eraija3, ericounitou, erik_roks, esoracco, essentialzdirect, etiag4, ewolfe37, falmor10, fareaststar*, fargogreen20, farisrenee, fascistpork, feb_ulous626, fenfightguess, ferrari8nbe_5, figuredoc, flafla29, foreverannoyed, fotix03, foureyes117, fped2919, fpri8587, fredb4actionfigures, frind2013, fumes512, gaben-14, gaborka53, gadbox, galvatron4ever, gamerdc650, gara8181, garage3680, garc1989, gascapstealer, gatsby8833, gcadezc, gccbid, gemtun1, general-avirex, gerome3241, gigantic2010, gina35, glennlmiller, gloriabutler1954, glory_road, gmcards2, goallincom, goformanunited, gorbltded, gothamcitycollectiblesworld, graphics_ever, grayler123, great$white, gregserval, [email protected], ground-dog, guardianangels1969, gundamnyc, guo_rockwa, guofei8608038, gw001a0003_3, hannamamu_0, harey*, harold4695, hawg_602, hawkdoc60, hedysplace419, helgachristopher, hellfireta, herbies2222, heroesandrobots, herosuper9, holycowitsme, hootowl312010, hoppner1965, horror102, hotdarthvader, huggybear1971, hummel150,, i_am_backsoon, iamkonco, iammistercollector1984, ian.fuentes, idn0d55, ileanam2007, images, inferno_gn, instinctmurder, inthegood, intimidator67x, iron_man_mini, issacng1989, items_4_less, its_yorxbox, iwantanewcell, [email protected], jacrjay-049d7t3r4z, jade110610, jahggie, jalyn4523, jamesmorris1974, jangminsu, [email protected], jaycelambert, jaysta718, jbeca33, jc4594.ftbks9x, jc_iphone, jcaponte4009, jcflo-92, jcr102567, jedigp01, jedimaster71472, jeff21, jeilender, jenaywins, jenn_valingo, jennyn64, jesicasman7, jetskimotorsports24, jfcaceresl, jgarcia1080, jiangxinrong19_3, jjyyeva, [email protected], jlowlor123, jmwjoswat, joe261979, joeadmire, joeycallahanart, johnwoconnor, jomaly520_123, jorgemarvi, josef_d_2, josep.eccle, josh5531, joshua.barrientes, joshuandrea-2009, josiah7410, joyloucn, jpink18, jrcats1, jrss74, jsb518, juancarr23, jubjubman, jucega, junado74, kaijukilla98, kaliaticus, kalliope1997, kawaiihamtaro69, kaymbee0611, kc_mallard3, ketwitty, kevin7jen, kevinj4961, kevinyang621, kfeuge18, khaldi1, kidneydoc_us, killnodie1313, king_of_chips94, kingt.i.p, kinsha_na, kissentials76, kivaemperor, klg8045, knownonez, kodiakzodiac, kratos_br, krclixdc, laenshee, lalaga67, landothings, languagemore00012014, largedistant1202, lcmuddawg, lennyoldtyme, leoniedas1974, leostabile, levit05, lextasy93, lgbtrainsrme, lgmproductions, limitedpotentialonline, lionsndyellocake, [email protected], lisalisa3333, lisostra, littlebun2006, lopezl66, lordhelmchen67, louisebab00, lovemycac, lucho93700, luciedakilla, luisfemartne0, luke792012, lunchbox69420, luv-32, lwpcollectibles, madoldbiddy, mahone83, majesticfire, malk1007, mankar_camoran, marhuka61, maria56498, marken4rise, marvelman3122, marypo1977, matt1, matts651, mavixander, [email protected], md.fitz, me_like_retro, meeksonater, member00043, merycherry, mezmure79, mg2065, michaeldmanning7880, mikey1776, mikey27, milanodawg, mindfreakx, minnesota122001, mistcaswel0, [email protected], mixman32, mj84819046, mjf221fm, mmemenga, mobuzzsaw, modernist_1, monika_glamour, moonstruck_hero, mooremoore33, mosportscards2008, mostlyninety9, moyraathropos, mph3436, mr2shine, murcelij, mylz78, mysg_estore, naaaad, nanafind, nattorr, nckptrsn, neouneou, newbsf, newguy106, nice, nicolaweave-0, nightchillers, nikphil75, ninja1matt, nobuys, noe198522, nookorious, notdos, ocaljose, of, offline, okcards321, omarj19, online, oz1944, p4toys, packrat2-2007, papadragon13, patrictavare-0, patsy155, paul_starchild, paulie60, pbartz60, pedronincomp00p, pennybk226, people, persrara, philluva, pichamonmam, planetofthegrapes28, playball-cards-and-more, plesk0, popstrains, powes1, pristinecollect, pseemoes, psfonsecamonteiro, pslflmerchandiser, pucrettub_rn, pvd_atb, qualityparts-4less, quarryview, r*r*r, r60richard, raeus2015, raffyrowdy150, rajivv8, ramrom.zvdrg, rangersplash93, rasta_nz, rawn2013, raymondv9633, razier77, rcaddict86, rdanacunningham18, [email protected], redhoodparizz, redsoxandbluetights, regsales637, renatoromano1, rencarra-0, retrofacts, retrojordan, reubenrichardson, reverb123, rgshirtsatwnf, richa.beato, rickydoubleyou, rirasa, rlpry, robot_mania, rockero48, romerramire-58, romher.jk9llsrha, ronald4769, ronfar70, ronnyberry1, rorblis0, rosariocelada, royalleanderso-0, [email protected], rpow5301, rram1962, rs_turbo10, rui23mj, rundown70, rxoyczk, s9a2r4a0i6, sadhuman123, sato10, satuikke, sayles_brad, sbblue, sc_store9999, scalafini123, scarbrs, sces2b, seblebonlebon, sejac3, senkitoys, septgurls, shagholio, shanemactravor, shays3blues, shewarnedyou, shmoomonkey, showcase97, shury82, sifrao200, sithlord_macgyver, skuzzzzy, skynet_edfaely, sladewilson95, slarmond, slippersassy, smallfamiliar2707, smitty7112, smoothfalcons1220, snake1_4, sonofmaxx13, sopheak5684, sphere1011, spidergk, spiderland-1991, spideyrules, sportzhandi, sri8c2, ss64chevy, starlite-2009, stephaninovakowsk-0, stoneycruster, stroberts44, stusutcliff, sugarcanerider, super-hot-packs, susej67, sw-hotcards, sweetfacedgemini, szkopiec32, taniavallina, tarasciosabina64sabina, taxibuyer, tech_com_kyle, tedmorrow, teksushi2, tema_moscow, teresad8691, terry.currelley, thachngvn, the-history-bus, the-movie-maniac, the_puniisher, theauctionologist, thehowdystore2012, themasterchief1995, theneed4diecast8787, thepowerofgrayskull, therommelofretail, thesonyman1, thilmony22, thing34, third_gunk, thorwm1973, tiff_cn2bd9mv, timisdeath, timo9, tingx-us, tinhoguerra, tkwilder, tmacdad76, tmansuperion, tom1212, tonantoncru, toycruizer, toyhunteradp, toystarusa, traciecook11, trog41, ugotrickrolld2011, ultimate8pac, ultraman_se, us2014-ormer, uskare-hczqejugo, utaylor77, valhalla43, vamsi_kan, vanc-zac, velfare, vera308, verna2122, vincelyn2002, vingenzo3, virtual_pom_cerise, virtualparano, viscocarz, vivacantando, volcomstone87, wappingpug2, waspakos, wbg717, weeindianboy, well_blade, witdallspark26, wolves_customs_inc, woundedtiger, wyp-productions, xagmninety, xdecor2001, xenounknown, yellowroseofiowa, yesdudesir, yugi83blueeyes, yuji_br, yuong1981, zed19830918, zerocool3709, zhangguochang2009, zombiegirl-2013
Wow that is a lot. Sorry you had that much trouble with buyers. My situation is annoying but your's is a nightmare lol. I may have to add them to the scammer thread.
Thanks for the list. Do you just sell on the boards now?
Wow that is a lot. Sorry you had that much trouble with buyers. My situation is annoying but your's is a nightmare lol. I may have to add them to the scammer thread.
Thanks for the list. Do you just sell on the boards now?

The majority of the IDs from my list are from other buyers/sellers posting/sharing their experiences throughout the years.

I don't sell on boards. I occasionally sell privately given the niche theme of what I have when I choose to sell.
Oh good, I was going to say I'd lose my mind with all of thoes scammers lol


I already lost my mind and much $ since I joined the 1:6 hobby.

Scammers are a part of the 1:6 hobby, but I'm confident every one of them will burn in **** when they die regardless of any redemption.

There is no forgiveness for any scamming by scammers. They all earned a spot for eternal damnation in ****.

Scammer: "I died and now I'm in Heaven because I repented and became saved."

God: "Hold on. So you scammed many fellow collectors by claiming false damages/defects, replacing genuine parts with inferior pieces, and stealing their money by never delivering what was paid for?"

Scammer: "But I repented God! I choose Jesus as my Savior and . . ."

God: "Enough! Thou shalt burn in **** for all eternity! I forgive, but scammers like you EARNED a spot in **** for eternity! Be gone!"

Satan: "Good! Good! Another scammer joins the fiery pool of damnation for all eternity! I hope whatever you scammed was worth it!"
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