Super Freak
I found this today. Not too bad.
that's one hell of a nice costume she has there.

I found this today. Not too bad.
I received a shipping notice on Friday. I'll have her on Thursday 4/18. Hoping Vision comes out Next month but I'm not holding my breath.
Got it in today here's some pics.
Great paint up, the red really pops with the gloss Red, and her lipstick. Another home run Female PF for the Marvel side!
Glad she turned out great ActionJackson. She looks okay but something about her eyes and face i don't like.
I still prefer Mark Brooks comiquette
I disagree. I never cared for the sexed up version. This is the definitive Wanda in my opinion.
live in CanadaDo you live in california? You forgot Tax if you do...
custom fees (usually around $10) and taxes are charged by Fedex upon deliveryIt might be tax/bank fees/credit card fees/rate exchange fees(if ur not in US)