The vest is crazy!
I think it would be a shame to make an inferior version for non FS listers. I can understand the exclusive head, or the accessories being limited to that list, but I would feel like I got an unfinished work or a prototype now that we saw this version!.. Anyway, amazing work xeno!
I don't think its a case of making an inferior jacket for everything apart from full set I think it's more of a case of Xeno had them made and already has them in hand and they have been paid for then he decided to go back and try and improve on it a little bit. The result is a slightly better jacket for full set and he can use the others he has already paid for to expand the list and make more people happy. That's the way I'm reading it anyway I could be wrong.
My god that jacket is gorgeous!!!!!
Can't wait
Yeah I would probably say the same if I was in the Full Set list!
It didn't mean to be harsh with xeno, just saying the new jacket is way better and for that reason my interest will go down for the previous version knowing this one will be out. Not like if I had a choice anyway.
It's not ideal man but you can't expect Xeno to just scrap the 30 jackets he's already paid for. He's fixed them up as best he can and they will be better than the original proto's just maybe not quite as good as the one's with the FS's. It's just one of those things
There's no way this was ever going to be an issue for me anyway there was no way I was signing up for anything other than the FS. This character deserves the full treatment for me.
Although I understand 100%, you would probably feel different if you weren't on the full set. I didn't think I could afford it after a few personal losses so I jumped on the loose set instead, which I regret, but there's nothing I can do now. This is one of my top 5 favorite movies so I'd do anything to get on the FS list, but even if I don't I'd still like the same things that everyone gets (minus the mask that is).
I mean NO disrespect by saying this so I don't want it taken the wrong way, I just want the perfect Drive figure, and it looks like those on the FS are getting it!
Yes Bullet is right.
When I had the old jackets made the material was the best choice at that time. It was not my intention to make 'inferior' version of the jacket for loose set owners. These are all final products, in fact I had the old jackets altered too so the loose set owners are getting a slightly better version than the original one. (added elastic to jacket cuffs and resized the length of the sleeves)
I wish I could give all of you the new jackets but 30 were made and paid for I could only fix up minor problems to make it better. Hope you guys understand.
Don't get me wrong I'd like to see everybody get what they want i.e. the same Jacket across the board I just don't think it's possible with way the project has worked out is all
He would sell his 30 old jackets anyway. It always possible for xeno to open 5-10 spots for people who want the new jacket only. (+hs) Or to open more spots for FS. Or to make the new jacket for people on the FS waitlist or people on the first loose set list. I see lots of options!
You put a lot of work into this Xeno, it looks incredible.
Just curious, does he come with any accessories? Hammer, bullet, etc.?