Congratulations, Darth Madden! What an awesome contest to win.
I'm planning on going next year (first time). Any vets know what site to watch to get the dates and buy passes (and when can we expect dates to be released for 2015)? I want to lock it down ASAP to ensure we can get a hotel. I've read a lot of posts advising hotel availability during SDCC is tight. Also, for those that have been to a few, is a one-day pass enough to see what one's interested in, or would you recommend more? I'd pretty much only be interested in Sideshow/HT 1:6, so figured a day would be OK. Wife is not interested in this stuff, so figured I'd limit myself to one day and spend rest of time exploring San Diego and area w/her. Have always been keen to visit that city.
Passes are very hard to come by now a days...So first you need to do is get yourself an ID# off SDCC website. Now, SDCC favors those that went the year before so they first get a chance to buy tickets, however, there is no current info on when passes for SDCC 2015. Years ago, you could buy the passes on-site, the last three years has been on-line only, passes generally went up for sale 1-2 months after SDCC ended. This year it was early 2014 when attendees got to purchase them, so that was definitely more than 2 months.
After the previous year attendees get theirs...they offer them to the non-attendees (usually 1-2 months after the attendees order), if your a lucky one then you order your pass(es)...if you miss out, then you either get a scalped pass or your just s**t out of luck.
Now, this will be my 11th straight year...and I have yet to experience everything I have wanted to. I always get 4 days with preview night (but I rarely stay for Sunday I go home or to LA that day)...If your there strictly for Sideshow/Hot Toys, then yes your a one day will be easy...but there really is just so much to see & do so I would get at least 3 days...There are tons of things your wife can do downtown...
As for hotels...SDCC does offer better rates for their attendees. Trust me this is the way to go. Hotel prices are extremely overpriced if you choose to get a room w/o this offer (a downtown room can range $600-1200 a night w/o the offer). Its always best to be downtown, if not there next to the airport or hotel circle, both of those areas are ok (at least there is shuttle service to the con), I also like Old Town (but there is no shuttle from there)...Mission Valley, Coronado and farther out suck.
I wish you luck and if there is any questions, you can PM me.