There's new people to this game everyday. The best thing they can do is research what companies sell what products at what price range, and try their damnedest to get them at retail. If that means taking a day off work and sitting in front of their computer refreshing the site's homepage every 30 seconds to stand a 25% chance of getting it, then that's one of the sacrifices to make to get some of the more sought after pieces. Every one of us who have been doing this for a good bit have had to do something extraordinary like that to get something we really wanted. So, if we go to sell it down the road, and we think sacrificing a day of our life to get it is worth double the retail price, then that's our decision to make.
Yes, there are the people that get these products just to throw them on eBay and make a profit, and that's what makes getting your hands on these at retail on their release date that much sweeter, knowing you beat those pricks!!!
For newer collectors back-tracking, think of it like a Bigfoot enthusiast trying to catch a glimpse of the illusive creature. It's a waiting game for some stuff. You might get on eBay or SSF for sale thread, and see the thing you want going for 2-3x the retail price, but if you constantly check everyday, day-in-and-day-out at all times, for days, weeks, months- a year! you stand that ultra rare chance of seeing the piece you want at a reasonable price, because there is that 1 collector who doesn't see the point of screwing someone over to make a profit, but he does want some compensation for his troubles, and they're in a bind and need cash.
For some pieces, if you want them that bad, you're just going to have to fork over the cash, and the longer you wrestle with the thought of pulling the trigger because you assume you'll see it at that reasonable price, then the more you're going to pay down the road. That's where the homework comes in handy, is knowing what pieces are never going to come down.
There are the new comers that join this hobby that money is no object, and they don't care that they're paying $1000 for something that retailed at $200. These flippers/scalpers know that, and they know what they can milk a product for. Some are just complete ******* and throw an outrageous price on something that isn't even going for half of what they're asking.
Anyone saying "who's going to pay that much for that"- apparently enough people that these companies aren't batting an eye at charging that much for them. These new LSF going for 2K, the life-size figures going for 5-6K- new figures are being added to those lines as you ask that question, so the market is there.
The biggest mistake any of us can make is basing this hobby's price range on our own income. Don't assume that because you're an average wage working stiff, that what you find to be unreasonably priced is what everyone else is going to find too expensive, and if you keep yourself warm on cold nights by getting toasty next to a fire fueled by spare $100 bills (in other words, you're RICH), then don't assume that because everyone is complaining how a new release is going to be too expensive, that you can lollygag and take your time, and the product will still be for sale when you go to finally order it. Money may be no object to you, but ain't a one of us that wants to spend $1000 on something we could've easily gotten for $500 2 days ago. Know what I mean?