Seeking Advice on Liquid Silicone Rubber Injection Molding

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Just a little freaky
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
United States
Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on a project involving liquid silicone rubber (LSR) injection molding and could use some guidance.

I’m struggling with optimizing the curing process to ensure consistent quality and minimize defects.

My current challenge is balancing the curing time and temperature to achieve the best results without overcomplicating the setup.

I’d love to hear any tips on mold design considerations for LSR.

If anyone has experience with this and could share their insights or best practices, it would be greatly appreciated!
I've done some work with LSR injection molding, so I might be able to help. The curing process can be tricky, but finding that sweet spot for time and temperature is key. You don’t want to rush it and end up with defects, but you also don’t want to drag it out unnecessarily.For mold design, make sure you’re focusing on even heating. Uneven heat distribution can mess up your cure and lead to inconsistencies. I’d also recommend looking into venting. Proper venting can help reduce airtraps which are a common issue.What kind of defects are you running into? If it’s flash, you might need to look at clamping pressure or mold alignment. If it’s bubbles, air traps or humidity in your material could be the culprits.It’s a balancing act, for sure. Keep experimenting with small tweaks in your process and document everything. Sometimes even a slight change can make a big difference.