Official announcement for Hendrix shipping.
Dear my Hendrix buyer,
How are you doing?
South Korea is a very unusual heat wave, high humidity.
First, i apologize for the delayed Hendrix figure(painted version sculpts and full custom figure) shipping.
I do my best for shipping date as i already announced, but it will be little delayed.
I know you already waiting for over 3 month, i really sorry again.
Now i had a some troubles,
First, crazy hot weather with high humidity.
It was a big problems to my painting job process.
Also my Hendrix silicon mold has damaged, so now i make new silicon mold.
It will be fixed soon, not worry about that.
But it will be need some more time, little delayed my schedule.
Originally, i was promised shipped on this week, but it will be take a little more.
Please wait for the next one to two weeks, as much more appreciated.
I promise it will be shipped at next two weeks.
Also i will be do my best for you must received own Hendrix figure as soon as possible.
I am very sorry for this situation, and really thanks for the your patience.
Thank you!
Best Regards,
How to using Serang's Hendrix guitar decal.
Okay, I shot a few pictures of the kit. First though, I want to say that these really are kits. Opening one up is like opening a garage kit for the first time. If having your brain rattle with tasks to be done on the way to completion doesn't excite you, this ain't for you. If you're expecting something that will pop together easily, this ain't for you. This is for those who actually enjoy prep work.
The Hendrix kit, because of the way the heads are designed, doesn't have pour spouts to clean up. There's plenty of flash to scrape from the hands, and the guitar body parts are attached to sprues as big as the parts. Lots of things to scrape and sand and polish before painting.
There is no suitable 1:6 African wig on the market, and it's really something to see how Serang solved this problem. He has made his own wigs from a mohair-like fabric attached to sculpted scalp pieces. The kit comes with a very generous sample of the fabric (the piece you see in the photo is stacked three high!); enough to compensate for many failed attempts to get the hair looking just right.
There are no assembly directions. If you're getting a kit I recommend grabbing the photos of Serang's finished figure at OSW, because the pictures are smaller and hard to grab from his site, and you'll need references for many of the small parts. Especially if, like me, you don't start for a month or so.![]()
I can hardly wait to start this -- but the Beatles are first in line.![]()
First -- READ THIS -- you're quite right, my magnets are not affixed, and it sounds like there was a mistake in attaching yours. Depending on how Serang installed them, getting them out could be dangerous. If they're just superglued, use a CA de-bonder for one head and one wig piece. Then make both wig bases work on the undisturbed head, and finally make the second head work with the wigs.
If they're in some kind of hot glue, carefully dig out enough glue to get some needle nose pliers and GENTLY rock the magnet loose without squeezing.
If it's been sunk in something like Magic Sculpt, you may want to return the heads to Serang (all four pieces, so he can make sure they mix-and-match).
What you want to avoid is squeezing the magnet with pliers, or, especially, having to dig it loose with a dremel. Magnets explode. They don't like being hammered. It can be done (I've done it to correct my own error) but is not recommended.
As for making the wig, you'll want to cut a square that is larger then the wig base. Give yourself extra fabric to grip and pull -- don't cut tight just to save fabric, Serang provided ample. Any number of adhesives should work: 3M adhesive spray, UHU, even a dab of hot glue if you work fast. You'll want to think in terms of "corners," and attach those first. Sideburns, widow's peak, and last the nape; it's got about five corners, or points between which you'll want to stretch the fabric. Start at the front and work back. Finally, trim off the excess fabric.
Good luck with those magnets.
First -- READ THIS -- you're quite right, my magnets are not affixed, and it sounds like there was a mistake in attaching yours. Depending on how Serang installed them, getting them out could be dangerous. If they're just superglued, use a CA de-bonder for one head and one wig piece. Then make both wig bases work on the undisturbed head, and finally make the second head work with the wigs.
If they're in some kind of hot glue, carefully dig out enough glue to get some needle nose pliers and GENTLY rock the magnet loose without squeezing.
If it's been sunk in something like Magic Sculpt, you may want to return the heads to Serang (all four pieces, so he can make sure they mix-and-match).
What you want to avoid is squeezing the magnet with pliers, or, especially, having to dig it loose with a dremel. Magnets explode. They don't like being hammered. It can be done (I've done it to correct my own error) but is not recommended. ...
Good luck with those magnets.
Jimmy C,
First, i am sorry that was my mistake on magnets.
I was some confused, i can't check that.
Please return to me, i'll send fixed heads to you.
I will posting 'how to make hair parts' with some pictures soon.
Hope this helps to you.
I know a lot of people are waiting on their Jimi figures....I know Serang is working his tail off in getting them complete and will put out the best figure that i have seen to date. A little more patience and i'm sure the figures will hit everyone's mailbox. I'm a huge Jimi fan so i can wait even longer if it means perfection coming.
Did Serang push it back again? I was under the impression that the Hendrix full figures were going to start to ship this week.![]()
I think he will be able to get them out this week...I know he stated on FB about his health....but they are coming
Did you get 2 Full Figures?
Nah bro...just the Tunic version...but i will get another head set to place on a custom look i'm going with...and trust will be sick.