Holy cow just got the tracking for my items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This ain't shipping tomorrow !
Hope you guys get your money back !
Just because Serang's had some health problems and subsequent delays, doesn't make him a thief, Joned. Some of the posts here remind me why I like being in Beto's threads. Yeah, the waits are brutally long and there's little communication but generally people accept it politely and don't just bump the thread to make *****y comments (with the odd exception). Anyone putting money up for these customs should be comfortable that it's a bit of a gamble as to when it will arrive. If you can't do that, then don't buy.Holy cow just got the tracking for my items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Holy cow just got the tracking for my items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Seems like he never said he was getting the Van Gogh.
This won't ship
This is Serang Kim from Seoul.
In May, 'Art Toy Culture 2014, Seoul, Korea' was finished with success.
Many people visit my booth and cheered exhibition and my works.
Thank you very much.
I am fine condition now, almost fully recovered my health.
My health is no problem anymore.
I was so busy last few weeks, i arrangements for the end of exhibition, and make a new silicon mold for Van Gogh's accessories.(My original silicon mold has damaged by heat, poor casting quality. so i need make a new mold for fine quality resin casted parts.)
I just give you final shipping schedule, that will be 14~20, June 2014.
I'll send final shipping notice to every buyer as soon as possible.
Also i'll be keep posted progress update on this thread.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,