Awesome displays! But am I missing something with the Joseph Gordon-Levitt reference for Anakin?
The short answers is I?m a weirdo and prefer my head canon to the Prequels.
The longer answer is below quoted from my post in the Anakin figure thread a couple years back.
Well since were talking what if...
This is my Head Canon; Anakin Skywalker.
I used the head sculpt of JGL from Dark Knight Rises. I chose this sculpt because it pretty perfectly captures what I imagine Anakin wouldve looked like. Plus the expression captures a not quite evil look that can be mistaken for intensity, or extreme focus.
Another odd little nit-pick of mine was Anakins long hair in the Prequels, I loved the way Obi-Wan had a nice clean cut look in RotS, because it makes sense. All the male actors in the OT had contemporary real world hair styles, so it would follow that if the Prequels had come out 20 years before ANH, they would have had contemporary clean cut hairstyles of the 1950s. The JGL head sculpt has that hair style as well.
I also really like JGL as an actor, he was the right age at the time, so I would have been thrilled if he had played the part.
I chose the TLJ Luke glove for his right hand because it was ingeniously designed to look like Vaders gloves, except brown leather instead of black and without the ribbed or striped detailing of Vaders gloves. So it makes an excellent precursor, hinting at who he will become. The color also perfectly matches Anakin?s boots.
I tried to mirror Vaders iconic poses from the OT, which is something I wish they had done more in the Prequels.
I also always pictured Anakin with dark brown eyes and hair. I think because Sebastian Shaw had brown eyes in the original version of RotJ, and because it just makes Anakin look darker. I just assumed Leia got her coloring from her father and that Luke got his blonde hair and blue eyes from their mother.
The whole blonde surfer look for Anakin always seemed so wrong to me.
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