should Hot Toys re-do the Rocky line?

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Super Freak
Mar 27, 2009
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I'm still looking to purchase the Rocky figures and the more I look at them, especially Rocky Balboa IV and Drago, the figures I feel don't have a lifelike appearance to them. with the way Hot Toys is now improving with their head sculpts, should they revist the line again like they did with Terminator 2? since the 35th anniversary is coming next year will they have something planned?
Don't really care either way as I don't collect Rocky, but it would be somewhat worrying if HT had to divert resources to remaking older figures instead of pursuing new licenses.
The figures are ok as they are, we just need some good head sculpts to put on them.

I would be interested in Street version rocky figure if hot toys were making one.
Maybe some sculpters on here can make some new sculpts for rocky .
Italian stallion atm is the best one out there imo.
I personally am after a better head sculpt for the First blood figure.
maybe not redo, but just continuing it would be great. they've left out the essential versions, and gut feeling says they'll do rocky 1 at some point. i know it would make me and a whole bunch of freakers happy if they did.
do any of you plan on taking Barney Ross' head and touching up a bit to make the Rocky IV outdoor workout version? for some reason I want one of those, a bearded version of Stallone.

also, if they continue the line I won't need to pay the outrageous prices for a new Rocky IV that isn't that good a sculpt.
I reckon they will go back to rocky as they did with the terminator as it is a classic and demand is very high still.

I would love to have a mickey figure how cool would that be?

"Cut me mick ,cut me" lmao everytime I see that clip.
if they made a DX and had a poll between street or training gear, which would most of you choose?
I have almost every figure of this line except for the Clubber Lang EX [Street clothes version]. They were the first collectible I purchased and I still enjoy them to this day. If they come out with new ones I would gladly buy them, but I wouldn't get rid of the originals. They mean alot to me. The head sclupts are not 100%, but you can definitely tell who they are. I am a huge Rocky fan and when I seen these, I had to have them.

Anyway, if you are having second thought on some of the figs; don't get them, because you are never going to be completely satisfied. You probably are going to ask yourself, "Why did I buy these." On the other hand; if you don't get them now and HT doesn't redo this line, you are going to be kick yourself in the butt for not buying these great figures. Due to price increase. Because HT is pursuing newer lines right now and who knows when or ever if they will resort back to the Rocky line.

It is your decision my friend, but don't wait too long. :)
I have the rocky 4 and italian stallion versions and clubber lang.

I was a bit gutted when I received rocky 4 but won't sell it for the same reasons above and would rather have a new sculpt on it.

Clubber lang is ok, good enough for me.

Italian stallion version is the best available imo if you buy only one figure from the current range then thats the one to get.
thanks Firebird, I'm going back and forth on this - if I buy a new one for $300, the sculpt isn't that great and if Hot Toys does release a revised version later on, I will be upset that I spent that money where a new better sculpt is available at a cheaper price. really, the Rocky Balboa IV doesn't look like Stallone, more like Ryu or some other Asian animation character don't you think?
do any of you plan on taking Barney Ross' head and touching up a bit to make the Rocky IV outdoor workout version? for some reason I want one of those, a bearded version of Stallone.

also, if they continue the line I won't need to pay the outrageous prices for a new Rocky IV that isn't that good a sculpt.

You know for a guy who doesn't own a single Hot Toys Rocky, you sure complain a lot about the sculpts. I own all six of them, and there all good, the best are the two Clubbers, as far as Rocky IV, it's a very good sculpt, maybe not great, the Rocky III sculpt is excellent. I think your biggest problem is not with the quality of the sculpts, but with the fact that you're 4 years late too the party, and you're going to have too pay $250 - $350 for these figs now, and what's really killing you is that these were released for around $90. As far as redoing them, I would rather see HT move on too new Rocky and Rocky II figs, the first six are fine. I could understand if you were a Rambo fan and wanted HT to redo First Blood and Rambo 2, but the HT Rocky's are fine:lecture
yes, you're right, why should I pay $250-$350 for a figure of lesser quality sculpt wise if later on something much much better will be available for even less? but then again, who's to know if the line will continue? that's why I wanted to get an idea if the community still has interest that Hot Toys sees and will consider continuing the series line.
thanks Firebird, I'm going back and forth on this - if I buy a new one for $300, the sculpt isn't that great and if Hot Toys does release a revised version later on, I will be upset that I spent that money where a new better sculpt is available at a cheaper price. really, the Rocky Balboa IV doesn't look like Stallone, more like Ryu or some other Asian animation character don't you think?

I think there is some kind of likeness there to Stallion, but I do think every person sees a character differently from their own eyes. Just like; for example, a couple of people think a girl or guy is hot and a couple of other people won't. So, if you see someone else in the sclupt. Then no matter how many people try to talk you out of it by saying you are dead wrong and the sclupt is Stallion all the way. You will always see the same results from the beginning. What you see visually. I hope you understand what I am saying.
I think they should, as others say, at least continue it, because those old sculpts are so dated and the rubber bodies are hit-or-miss. And based on Barney and the recent HT poll about which Stallone character to pursue next, I would say there is a very fair chance that it is gonna happen.

A fancy Rocky I with street clothes and boxing gear would be enough for me. . .well, maybe an Apollo Creed while they're at it.
yes, you're right, why should I pay $250-$350 for a figure of lesser quality sculpt wise if later on something much much better will be available for even less? but then again, who's to know if the line will continue? that's why I wanted to get an idea if the community still has interest that Hot Toys sees and will consider continuing the series line.

My honest opinion is you shouldn't buy any Rocky Hot Toys, All you do is complain, the second you get them you'll be on here complaining about every little inaccuracy. Any Rocky fan would be more then happy too own all six. The Drago is the one fig that has a long neck and average sculpt, but the other 5 are great. If you're a Rocky fan and you're not one of those crazy collectors that have too have every single element 100% screen accurate, then you shouldn't have a problem with these figs. Do yourself a favor and just pass. A collector like you well never been happy with these, just my opinion, nothing personal.

You keep bring up better sculpts in the future and the line continuing in the future. Sorry but the last Hot Toys Rocky was the Rocky III Stallion version, and that was released 3 years ago, as much as I love Rocky I have too be realistic and be happy with the six that were released, and if more come down the road, then great, but after 3 years it doesn't look good. So all this future talk is just wish full thinking.
yeah but when they came out with the ugly Terminator figure at the time they call hamburger face you didn't expect they were going to release a new version that looks stunningly like Schwarzenegger a couple of years later.

the Rocky Balboa IV doesn't have the signature Stallone eyes that you see clearly in the Barney Ross figure. dont you feel uncomfortable if you display them on a shelf and one looks dead on like Stallone and the other meh? but if Hot Toys can continue the line and make a revised Rocky with the same face characteristics of the Barney that would be fantastic side by side.
to me, i don't look at the figures just at how they look objectively. they all have a place in history, and i kind of like seeing the evolution in these toys. it reminds of the years i've been collecting. it wouldn't bother me to display barney ross near my rocky or rambo figs. i love those earlier figs coz they were awesome for their time, and for a bit of nostalgia. hot toys seemed much more exciting back then.
yeah but when they came out with the ugly Terminator figure at the time they call hamburger face you didn't expect they were going to release a new version that looks stunningly like Schwarzenegger a couple of years later.

the Rocky Balboa IV doesn't have the signature Stallone eyes that you see clearly in the Barney Ross figure. dont you feel uncomfortable if you display them on a shelf and one looks dead on like Stallone and the other meh? but if Hot Toys can continue the line and make a revised Rocky with the same face characteristics of the Barney that would be fantastic side by side.

Sorry but a 12 inch action figure that isn't museum quality doesn't make me uncomfotable, now on the other hand if I picked up a Victoria Secrets model at a club, took her home, took off her panties, and discovered she was a he, now that would make me feel UNCOMFORTABLE:horror