One problem I forsee with locking down the customs section with a post count requirement is that it might discourage new sculptors from joining.
Easy fix, participate more in the forum and quit whining about how you can't get enough post count
You'd be surprised how often folks post when they have a little *cough* incentive.:
I don't see how 'making' new members post more in here would stop this type of thing from happening. Seems that it's few and far between as it s. Hell, half of the customs here are pimped in other areas of the board (not to mention on other boards as well) anyways so they'll be seen elsewhere.
It's more the QUALITY of posts I'm concerned about.
Yes, there's that and as I originally said this idea is not foolproof, but like some other boards I'm a member of having a private locked off area does help keep some unwanted traffic out. I mean I'd hate to see this board get closed down due to threats from certain quarters or having the owners of this forum having to stop folks from letting others on here share their custom heads etc.
Doing something is better then nothing in my humble opinion.
After discussions over on another thread I thought I'd take the liberty of starting up a discussion thread about after the recent 'problems' certain artists have had that maybe the custom interest and sales area should be permanently locked down and made private and where only members who have a posted a certain number of times can have access too?
Does it suck that Trev and Dave were issued a C&D letter? Hell yeah. But at the same time, that's the gamble with these things.