I just woke up and managed to get through the previous posts, half of which are serious arguments for or against and half of which are from posters I've never seen here, except when they've been out trolling. Is this still a legitimate poll? If so, Dave can you clear out the false votes? It looks like The Josh's and some others' votes to keep it along with most of the toss it crowd's will have to go.
I can see both sides. This place gets so little traffic on most days it's enough to visit the site, confirm the last post is the same as yesterday's, then move on to another forum--usually Customs for me, but Whedonville is always the first one I check.
Of all the properties Sideshow has had, I still feel Buffy and Angel were the most deserving as pop culture shows. The Whedonville properties are unique among tv shows--they're written smart, were cast and acted perfectly, and still generate talk-back today. People have used them to write their doctorates, even. But being the best written, acted, put together doesn't make a television show/movie the best platform for toy merchandise (Star Wars can claim that title, even after a thoroughly mediocre multi-million dollar Prequel trilogy, because STUFF BLOWS UP AND LOOKS COOL TO KIDS). The best collectible--the only essential one--a Buffy/Angel/Firefly fan can own are the DVDs.
That said, Sideshow came out with over 20 figures for this line, because back in the day, they knew the truth of what I've said above. B/A were great when they could focus on the more obscure properties in making a name for themselves. Unfortunately for us, SSC outgrew and shifted its focus before they could finish the line correctly. There are still core characters from both shows (and Firefly, and who knows, from Dollhouse--which BTW got a nice mention as a show to watch from my local newspaper) that really need to be made, if only by customs at this point. I for one am actively (more or less) working on 3 figures to round out my lineup. So there is still toy stuff to talk about with Whedonville. Outside the realm of toys, there are still the comic books, Dr Horrible, and Dollhouse in February.
Not to start an anti-intellectual rant here, too, but there's also a tonal difference I've noticed. Regulars know we like to discuss esoteric details from the shows here. I believe those are going to get utterly lost if left to the General forum. I can barely get myself to look at the other forums now, since 95% of it is irrelevant to me. Yes, I collect SW, LOTR, and even have a couple of Marvel PFs though I'll likely be getting rid of them soon. But there's only so much talk about dumbed down television shows, comic books, and over-hyped movies I can take. Much of the discussion in other forums honestly seems to be conducted by very very young men (and women) who wear their ages on their t-shirt sleeves, if you get my meaning. Other properties have different target audiences and this is really obvious particularly when you run polls like these and the thirteen year olds suddenly show up again.
Dave, I do think some restructuring would be in order, but I vote against throwing Whedonville into General. You had an earlier proposition about moving Dr Who in here that I think is worth discussing again. Maybe a Cult Classics group would work--Whedonville, Dr Who, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, POTA, PK D!ck and like-minded properties.
In a year's time (or less) we'll probably be having the same conversation about LOTR and Indiana Jones, though Crystal Skull sucked so bad it truly deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as Star Wars. Maybe you can consolidate those two then.