Didn't appreciate how big the hot toys body is. I missed out on skis road pig so I've been trying to make my own, so far so good need to modify shoulder pads and sort out accessories but happy with head choice and painting thanks to galactic boy for tips
I finished this up a month ago or so, but have been tinkering with my camera to get some good clear shots. I actually made a version of this about 4 years ago that I sold off, I consider this 2nd go an improvement in many ways though- partly because SS hadn't released their V2 with helmet back then and the only option, aside from making it yourself, was an old Hasbro head.
The base is the 1992 "Hall Of Fame" CC uniform on a HT TTM18 clone body and some of the Sideshow V1 parts. The 92 uniform fits modern bodies well but the sleeves are short so I doubled up on wrist cuffs. Hood head is Sideshow V1 with the 92 rubber hood glued over it, helmet is from SS V2. Red sweater for the neck collar is SS Deadpool, knife/sheath are from Cobra Sniper. Stand is the bulky SS Cobra base.
Some bonus shots that I didn't feel like retaking. Marvel unmasked head is the Ignite French Guardsman head, hair cut short and random sunglasses. Cape & staff are from the Hasbro Valor VS Venom 11". I've also got a box of accessories and such that I can swap in & out as I wish.