Marmit works-in-progress. Not much left to do except tighten up on the armour here and there, adjust drop-box attachments, maybe weather them. Still need to attach holsters (not the stock plastic ones; will use either custom or SSC/Medicom). Probably won't add heads since I'll never display them without helmets.
Those are Marmit sandtrooper buckets, i.e. "stunt" helmets. Lacking some fine stripes in the traps and tears, but I think I like these better. Stupid iPhone lens has crazy distortion so I tried to correct the elongation in Photoshop. They're packin' SSC E-11s and use SSC trooper hands. One is on a Soldier Story body, and the other on a TT knock-off of some kind. The Soldier Story has better flexibility but I like them both.