The scout trooper on the speeder bike is actually Hasbro 12" action figure. I, like most of Habro scout trooper owners, ended up changing the body, helmet, gloves, etc. to better ones.
We have a few threads here on SSF dedicating to this custom scout troopers, you can see one at
Thanks guys.
Yup, Sergiu was right. They're Koto Sandies.
Took me quite awhile to get them completed as two of them are quite hard to find and quite 'pricey'. But once you started collecting Sideshow 1/6 figures, their prices sound 'more reasonable'
the binoc is from hasbro 12" luke hoth
you can also try and get in touch with LOPIE as he casted two pairs for me.
yes, it's george in sandtrooper disguise
nice pic of troopers Cruxz, and gotta love the Marmits.They always complement a collection. Wish they made a Snowy and Scout those would've been amazing. Hoping SS will do them some justice. And I remember hunting for those Koto Sandies, unfortunately I need the room and trying to unload them.
The scout trooper on the speeder bike is actually Hasbro 12" action figure. I, like most of Habro scout trooper owners, ended up changing the body, helmet, gloves, etc. to better ones.
We have a few threads here on SSF dedicating to this custom scout troopers, you can see one at
Great shots Spidey. I love the Sandies. I just purchased the set last week from a board member, they are awesome.