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Ordered another set of head and clothing from Ebay and they arrived at the same time! Built my second Wolverine in a jiffyOrdered a pair of authentic HT boneclaws to give my WW2 Wolverine bash, so this one would have a pair of metal claws soon.
The first custom head I got from Kit (iyyiy of ebay). This time I went for headplay. The reason I went for Kit the first time was the fact that Kit's service and communication are always ace, and that I thought all custom heads are of the same quality (it was my first custom head). Headplay's got top service too and shipped on the same day, and quality's closest to HT's particularly with the paint apps (Kit's got some airbrushy areas). I think the eyes are a bit wonky, but not too noticeable. I highly recommend headplay sculpt for those planning to build a custom.
The clothing set is from Magic Cube/MCToys. It's called SHAGMASTER (I know, right? LOL) Hoodie Suit set. I saw this by chance and liked the photos. It's a great set! IMO great value at $50 shipped. Ordered it from Ebayer DJFUNGSHING, he's selling it at cheapest price. Comes with everything you see on Logan (and something you dont -- a grey sweater under the hoodie and a balaclava I'm not using but is also nicely made), perfectly tailored and of superb quality. Hoodie looks and feels great and fits the Hitfigure base body perfectly. Love the scarf and the tactical pants (with belt). Dump pouch and low profile belt I'm using as a cross-body sling instead. The boots are nicely sculpted and is a perfect fit for HT foot pegs. It's a 1/6 model of The North Face's SLOT Winter Grip boots -- great details though the material limits ankle articulation. I think the Last Stand gloved claws would complement this set more, too bad they're pricey!
That's a great looking custom.
This character is so versatile for customizing that the options are almost endless, and almost impossible to decide what to go for!
I just ordered one of those Head Play sculpts. I'd also been watching the iyiyyy one, but deleted that from my list when I saw pictures showing it didn't have the Hot Toys-like finish.
Still have a headless TTM19 dressed in an airborne uniform which will make an instant WW2 'Devil's Brigade' bash when the head arrives. When my HT Wolverines arrive he can have some bone claws too.