This is Dexter. He's a 13 year old Italian Greyhound. When he was a puppy I clocked him at 35 mph. He figured out WAY too early that he was faster than my wife and I, and decided that he could ignore the word "Come." Now, that he's old and lumpy, he spends most of his time sleeping, but occasionally gets short (very short) bursts of energy and tears up and down the hallway of our home -- usually 3 - 4 times, before he lays down and passes out again. He was always a cuddler, and has to be covered up (usually completely) with blankets.
If he's not under the blankets, he's laying on the back of the couch, soaking up the sun and either watching the world go by, or sleeping Super Dog style.
My wife and I call him the Twist-Tie Dog, as he usually contorts himself into all sorts of bizarre -- and uncomfortable-looking -- positions. This is one of his favorites. If I slept like that I'd probably wake up a quadriplegic.