Ok, My C-3PO came yesterday and my assessment seems to be on par with others.
Overall appearance is good. The paint is shiny enough and the weathering isn't nearly as bad in person. I myself don't have an issue with the weight, it seems fine to me. But, he does seem a tad too tall. The pistons are fine on mine, but I can tell they are fragile; I can see tension on the one on the right arm as it doesn't slide easily so I need to be careful. The biggest complaint, like most of everyone else, is the thumbs. Mine looks okay when extended without bending but claw like when gripping as it articulates in the wrong direction like a finger and not a thumb. This is disappointing because it makes the comlink accessory virtually useless and I was looking foreword to using that. It's also disappointing because its just so unnecessarily sloppy on SS part. I'm tempted to call SS about it but not sure what good it will do since it seems like finding one that is right to replace it might be extremely difficult. I'm interested to see what people might do with mods. I'm tempted to just break it off and glue it on the right direction even if it looses articulation at the knuckle that meets the hand. I'm going to leave it be for now though.
My final thought also is repeat of a topic already discussed, and that's the issue of the the stand when displaying with R2D2. I'm thinking about finding a block of wood big enough for both of them and then drilling a hole to one side that fits the post the stand comes with and making a new stand that fits them both.