Would anyone today want a Pilot Luke or 3PO from 10 years ago? Just saying.
Would anyone in ten years want the new Pilot Luke or 3PO? Who knows what the future brings? Just saying.

And at the $40-50 that Luke Pilot would have been ten years ago, I'd toss the head and take the rest anyday!
Instead we just got big head caricature versions of Jedi Luke, Bespin Han, Tatooine Luke and Yavin Luke.
Well, in the past year or two I got a Leia Boussh for $35 and a Rebel Commando Infantryman for $40 shipped and they are both great value even at twice those prices based on what's in the box - by today's standards.
The SSC heads from back then (and according to some, still today) are pretty dismal or at least sub-par, but the outfits, weapons and accessories were a pretty great deal for the $40-70 those figures went for upon release. Those pieces are pretty much on-par with anything today, SSC or HT.