So basically he was just there to drive the getaway car. 

Anyone get shipping from Brian's Toys yet?
Great figure. My second figure with the rubber neck body but this one actually works. My AT-AT Driver's neck doesn't hold a pose... articulate the neck and it bounces back to it's original position. I thought that's how those worked but this one works great.
Figure and outfit looks great but as mentioned the pleather bits will go fast even with average handling. When futzing the pleather cummerbund one of those thin cinch ties came loose and when tightening it snapped. Still able to fix it but if it comes loose again, another breakage will mean replacement. Shoulders are a bit too broad and the skin could be lightened up some but overall a great release.
Received Commander Cody at the same time and i have know idea what they were thinking with that swappable arm piece. The connector doesn't snap in ...and that wrist joint.
Yeah I'm pretty much committed to swapping out all the pleather parts with real leather. There is something about the pleather that feels like it's going to last a year or two at the most. After dealing with 1/6 stuff for almost 15 years you get a bit of "sixth sense" about pleather and this stuff looks like it was 25% toward deterioration even by the time they fitted it to the figure. Like a bad batch.
And yeah I think those tubes on the ATAT driver helemt didn't help. It was a frustrating figure for sure - the tallness and broadness of that body didn't help. And a warning to everyone - I've had maybe 6 or 7 of this type of SSC body and the shoulder spin joints break quite easily. A ridiculously thin pin.
That Weequay looks incredible, Chaka. Just got Lando and set him up with Jabba. Pretty cool fig.
Gaining that one-sixth sense over the years??
True... leather would be best replacement over a replacement part. I may just replace the this cinching leather bits and whenever those go and wait out the rest.
I thought it was the tubes, although they do hinder the articulation, but the neck peg was just loose - not enough friction, unlike the Lando body. He's been boxed up awaiting an eventual body swap. Definitely with a shorter and slimmer body.
Chaka's customs are always great to see... i forgot about that Dengar head wrap - so good!
Jabba with Lando looks great there, TonTon!
That Weequay looks incredible, Chaka. Just got Lando and set him up with Jabba. Pretty cool fig.
That Weequay looks incredible, Chaka. Just got Lando and set him up with Jabba. Pretty cool fig.
So much Chaka awesomeness.
Is Weequay's weapon the vibro that came with the Leia Slave eBay figure kit? I'm curious how that weapon compares to the Sideshow Lando version. The Sideshow one is really nicely detailed and decently painted but it feels a little thin/slender to me.