I would love to see you take a swing at painting the other sculpt. The difference in likeness is astounding with your re-paint. Well done!
Thanks. It's on my To Do list now. Especially now than I can actually display him holding the empty helmet.
I would love to see you take a swing at painting the other sculpt. The difference in likeness is astounding with your re-paint. Well done!
Got mine today. Great figure, but my helmeted head came with the helmet on crooked. I've tried to remove the helmet, but I feel like I'm gonna break it and the head just won't budge. Any tips would be appreceated.
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I ordered from another seller, hopefully they'll be able to send another head out.I'd be worried about the jaw piece softening too much in the process. And even after heating mine up for quite a while, it was still a massive struggle to pry out the head. So I'd probably just request a replacement head myself. If you ordered from Sideshow they should have no problem quickly shipping out a new one.
Yeah the chest armor is definitely a bit small, but putting it on a slimmer body and repainting it more silver helps with that a bit I found. I'm not sure why they painted all the edges bronze like that.
Yeah the paint on the SSC armor pieces is strange and inaccurate (the gauntlet is so copper,) though to be fair it's a very complex paint challenge on the costume - it's mixtures of dull and shiny, copper and iron colors, along with a greenish-blue copper rust color.
I think I found a use for this awful head the Sideshow figure comes with - as an "accessory" for my Chewy with 3PO backpack. I'll bend the CHewy over (have to tightly bind him to a stand) and have him choking Lando.
I've just roughly assembled what I'm thinking using a Hasbro outfit and SSC body in the pic below. With Chewy's huge hands covering up the Lando head's weirdly small lower face, hopefully the weird frowning expression on "accessory" Lando's face will read as choking.
I'm always amazed at the relative quality of the Hasbro 12 inch figures, considering they were typically 20 bucks. Some of them were just crazy value for the buck...