Sideshow 1:6 Lando as Skiff Guard Figure

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Well, the new production shots are good to see. Especially like the Jabba throne room one. The portrait is not BDW, but....we already knew that. The outfit looks pretty good as does the vibro-axe.

That white string will be replaced asap when I receive mine.

I like it. Glad it's finally on the way.
I got my charging soon notice too. There’s a discrepancy in the amount they say I’ll be owing in the email and the amount I should be getting charged according to my initial order receipt. Anybody have the same problem?
I don?t know who would sculpt that or approve of that and look at it and say ?yep, that?s Billy D. for sure?. I just don?t understand Sideshow.

Or why they didn't just go back to the original Trevor Grove Lando and re-manufacture it at a slightly smaller size, better detail reproduction and with modern-day paint apps. Frankly, HT should have used it too.

Sideshow's new Lando looks like a 55 year old Lando (by way of Jesse Jackson) as seen on an episode of Clone Wars, and HT's new Lando looks like a 19 year old Puerto Rican kid that's having a happy thought remembering his mom.

The original Lando head (on right) suffered from poor replication of the original sculpt detail, oversized manufacture (Sideshow had some kind of problem at the time where nearly all the heads in the 2009-2011 era were quite oversized - KOTCS Indy being the worst) and paint apps that were a decent improvement over the 2006-2008 era, but are simplistic in today's era.


This was the original sculpt Trevor did that blows away the new SSC and the new HT:

Trevor’s does capture BDW more than the new one or even HT’s to a certain degree (will never unsee a Puerto Rican kid in that sculpt now) but all of his portraits seemed more caricature than real world to me. Like he tended to ever so slightly enlarge certain features on purpose. They always lacked realism even with a really nice custom paint job.
Yeah, just put the head in boiled water for maybe 2-3 minutes, get it really soft, then pull it out and press it wider with your fingers and put under cold water. It helps a bit, but that small amount might be enough with this head.

The shoulders of the body are also looking a bit too wide.
Thank you!
I still have Jabba, so that slug of a figure is sort of demanding I buy this Lando. Final product photos look solid when helmeted, only thing that stands out is the stark white stitching on the holster. Shame the unhelmeted sculpt isn't better but that look isn't all that desirable to me.

I hear talk of putting the HT sculpt on this, but I'm not sure Lando the happy skiff guard is a good look, assuming the neck joint (near the chest) is compatible where you could easily switch back to the helmeted look when you want.
That sculpt looks straight out of a stylized Mythos statue. Strange choice considering the goal of 1/6th has been "as close to movie accurate as possible" for a very long time now.

That said, I don't think anyone will pose this guy without the unique helmet on anyway.
I still have Jabba, so that slug of a figure is sort of demanding I buy this Lando. Final product photos look solid when helmeted, only thing that stands out is the stark white stitching on the holster. Shame the unhelmeted sculpt isn't better but that look isn't all that desirable to me.

I hear talk of putting the HT sculpt on this, but I'm not sure Lando the happy skiff guard is a good look, assuming the neck joint (near the chest) is compatible where you could easily switch back to the helmeted look when you want.

The white stitching is actually accurate (visible on costume pic, above my custom holster on left and SSC holster on right) - it's present on quite a number of WWII era German holsters.

Though I do think the SSC stitching is much too prominent. I opted to paint the stitching on my custom holster to keep it more subtle.


And yeah, I had planned to use the HT Lando head when it came out but it's a pretty weird looking head - somewhere between so-so and decent likeness, but a really odd (and sort of "not Lando" too) expression. Maybe they'll tweak it between now and release.

That sculpt looks straight out of a stylized Mythos statue. Strange choice considering the goal of 1/6th has been "as close to movie accurate as possible" for a very long time now.

That said, I don't think anyone will pose this guy without the unique helmet on anyway.

I'm still hoping to do minor paint work on this old SSC Lando head (especially repainting the eyes) and use it on the new SSC Lando Skiff for that "helmet in hand" look. The old SSC head isn't ideal obviously, but with some tweaks I think it'll look decent - better than the new "animated style" SSC Lando skiff head. My custom will be my helmet-on Lando skiff.

I also think the old SSC head being a touch oversized might help as the new Lando Skiff body has super-broad shoulders.

Got my charging soon notice from SSC. I wonder what their shipping prices will climb to on this release?

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Wow, that looks like a super testosterone Lando, all jacked and sculpted the way Arnold would like him. He-Man.

If this was not a Star Wars Fan Board and this was not a Lando thread, I do not know if I would recognize this sculpt as Lando. It is too stylized and would look cartoonish with my collection. Even with the older Sideshow sculpts were more true to the character.
Got the shipping soon notice! The extra head probably won't leave the box. Grove's sculpt from way back is actually pretty decent until the heavy paint killed most of the likeness