Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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Very thorough review, Raymond Ferraro.

I still can't get my life-scanner to stand. I can get it to hold a position if there's no breeze and nothing moves. If I snap my fingers it will fall back in. I had thought that there was a larger piece at the bottom of the post that needed to be threaded through the small hole but after tinkering with it I realize that this particular feature is just poorly made. It holds tight only by chance. Some may have better luck than others -- its a bit like some have loose panels or loose feet, total luck of the draw. Again, its not a feature I would use except for a picture so not that miffed... but still.
Very thorough review, Raymond Ferraro.

I still can't get my life-scanner to stand. I can get it to hold a position if there's no breeze and nothing moves. If I snap my fingers it will fall back in. I had thought that there was a larger piece at the bottom of the post that needed to be threaded through the small hole but after tinkering with it I realize that this particular feature is just poorly made. It holds tight only by chance. Some may have better luck than others -- its a bit like some have loose panels or loose feet, total luck of the draw. Again, its not a feature I would use except for a picture so not that miffed... but still.

My scanner behaves in the same fashion you are describing. Several pages back somebody mentioned using foam as a fix, I pushed a very soft small piece of it down the opening and it does the trick. Can always remove it with a tweezers if desired. But meh, its mostly a non issue for me because I will use it very infrequently if at all.
I finally opened my R2 today and I'm actually very impressed. The fine details like the doors and hatches in the head are not implemented all that well. The two larger doors on the left and right of his body won't open using the magnet at all and I have to force them open with my fingernail, and they generally feel flimsy. And like Wor-Gar, my life scanner won't stay up at all (but I guess that's a problem for many guys our age, right?). But overall it's a great looking figure, and the accessory I was most interested in -- the drink serving tray for my Jabba setup -- is extremely well done.

I did end up dropping the tray with all of the accessories on the floor, scattering all of his various arms and things over some cardboard boxes full of random crap. I was cursing my own stupidity while looking for the tiny restraining bolt. Finally found it after about 15 minutes...
The life scanner has to be pulled up into place. You have to pull hard, and then force it back down. Little bit spooky, I guess. Just be careful. It's also spring loaded, so if you have to turn him upside down to get it out, you haven't done it right.
you haven't done it right.

I pretty good at this stuff after 20 years. I think I'm doing it right. It's just not working right on mine and several others. Won't hold position, or it does but so loosely that any slight movement will make it drop down, and its impossible for me to choose which way I want the scanner dish to face when it does sort of hold.
I think this is probably the best R2 we will see for quite a while. But who knows with HT, they dance to their own tune.

One day worth less than retail this will be... one day worth double retail this will be... but which will come first, hmmm?

I've been watching The Empire Strikes Back too much recently and Yoda's speech patterns, taking over my mind, they are.
The life scanner has to be pulled up into place. You have to pull hard, and then force it back down. Little bit spooky, I guess. Just be careful. It's also spring loaded, so if you have to turn him upside down to get it out, you haven't done it right.

THANK YOU!! I just did that with mine (pulled up on the scanner with some real force (no pun intended!), for the first time and BINGO! That thing holds right into position without any issue at all now. I think many of us were hesitant to really yank on that thing but that is the trick for sure. It is becoming apparent for me that some of the features of this awesome figure are about technique. So I will be playing with more features to see if I can figure out the right ways, or better ways, to get this stuff working.

The next thing I am working on with that life scanner is to see if I can make the push-to-pop-up movement for the door, to also push down on the scanner itself to make it pop up with one push rather than pushing on the door to pop it up, then again on the scanner to pop it up.
Yup. I can position mine while it's loose, and then pull it locked.

Is the spring functional on yours Wor-Gar?

Yep. I push it down, it pops up part way, enough to get ahold of it, and it pulls out good and long but will not hold fast -- I've pulled to the point I feel it will break, I've twisted, I've wiggled, I've done this gingerly and with force and it just won't really hold. It will kind of hold slight with the scanner facing away from the front of the face, but like I said any slight bump will send it dropping down. I can see the hole in the bottom and the post that this scanner is on is too slim to take hold in that hole. I think I just have a defective one, like some that have loose ankles or doors that flap open. Me and a few just got unlucky on this one.
The separate spring actions on the life scanner and door make it tricky to stow back in place. One of the most fragile feeling parts I've seen on a 1:6 figure. Not something I'm likely to open often for that reason.
The ace in the hole would have been if this had included a sound chip. If Hasbro can put sound chips into a 3 3/4" action figure that sold for ten bucks I don't see why this couldn't have had one. Probably shouldn't be too hard to mod one either for guys like Pixelpiper.