Exactly, I don't get why they give a damn that I don't like the figures?
I seem to get singled out again and again. People seem to get particularly ******** if I say my piece and it goes against their opinion. Tough. Hit ignore.
I don't agree with either of you (Lou & Marker) to be honest I think you are incredibly undiscerning if I'm being straight up and blinkered depending on what you have ordered. Most of the time I completely disagree with your opinion, do I attack you for that, absolutely not, that would be juvenile.
What am I expected to do? change my mind to keep you two happy? Hit ignore guys, if you can't bear to hear my opinion, it certainly ain't changing for you.
I have a wife and two small kids, they are the only thing I agressively defend in this life. Toys.. Pfft.. As for pro Hot Toys?

You two haven't obviously read too many of my posts. I was accused of being Bill from Enterbay a couple of years ago (seriously).
For the record, in case you were in any doubt, these last few releases from Sideshow have been horrendously poor IMO, R2 looked good but very poorly made, Hoth Solo and Luke are abysmal for the price they are charging. That's based on 1:having these figures in hand (do you?) and 2: years of collecting 1/6 figures. One mans piece of crap is another mans diamond, love them? Then enjoy them? But stop bitching at me, it's pointless, there is far more pro spamming than negative spamming in the SW threads.