Nose and mouth look really great on this sculpt. Eyebrows on this and the melty head could do with some tweezing though.
Good evening Fraulein!
I soooo want to like this one but it just isn't doin' it for me. It looks like a really nice Hasbro figure and that's about it.
Indy still stands alone.
Beautiful PICS, Billy! Excellent. Thank you for taking them.
That looks great!
This one not so much.
I know these pics are like 4x the actual size. So how is the melty head in hand, really? Is it everything it should be? Some of the paint strokes seem... well, painted.
I like it. It has a nice "wet" look to it, if that makes sense. I'm sure one the talented folks on here could make it look even better, but I am happy with it. IRL, the blood looks a lot redder than in my pics.
- This is my first SS figure with a tie and now I see what all the fuss is about.
- The shirt collar is drving me nuts. There's just no way to make it lay flat. I may wind up throwig a couple of stiches in it or some of that toupe' tape.
Wor-Gar must be elated!
Thanks for the great gallery of shots, Billy Ray. I really like his look in this picture. The suit looks terrific and it's great to see a release with so many accessories again.
He'll need some futzing but he looks really good. Wor-Gar must be elated!