Sideshow 1/6 Yoda Teaser

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Tweaking it to age it 22 years could harden that up a bit...

Check out the extras on the AOTC DVD and you an see a CGI Yoda in TESB. It looks great.
I like his wonky eyes in rotj. I think they lend to the sickly feeling yoda should have. I am an pt + ot = SW guy too but replacing ESB/ROTJ Yoda with CGI is crazy talk.
Yeah, that CGI demo looked great, I've wondered if the AOTC/ROTS look was because of how the CGI ultimately rendered or or if it was a conscious call to make him youthful. There are times where CGI Yoda looks almost as defined as the puppet.

The shot of Yoda talking to Mace in AOTC looks very real.


Then moments like this in Palpatine's office, not as much.

I like his wonky eyes in rotj. I think they lend to the sickly feeling yoda should have.

Especially in the bed shots, you're right, you really feel like the little guy's breaking down, if CGI one had perfect eyes, there'd be a little less emotional value in the imagery.
I wouldn't want a CGI Yoda in OT. I guess its nostalgia, but it just wouldn't look right. I also like the CGI Yoda, he's just awesome in the prequels. It was great getting to see the little guy in action, and there's no way the puppet could do that. My only problem between the two films is how different the two look. I've never felt like aging 22 years (or maybe more due to stress and sorrow) would make such changes, skin color being the largest problem.
Rob Coleman said it best when he said people remember the OT Yoda much better than he actually was. He looks like a puppet in TESB and ROTJ. Simple as that.
He does look like a puppet though, no one is going to look at that Yoda and think its anything but. But I don't think too many people look at PT Yoda and think its anything other than CGI either.
He does look like a puppet though, no one is going to look at that Yoda and think its anything but. But I don't think too many people look at PT Yoda and think its anything other than CGI either.

Simple as that.
Rob Coleman said it best when he said people remember the OT Yoda much better than he actually was. He looks like a puppet in TESB and ROTJ. Simple as that.

Yeah I don't think Rob Coleman is the best person to quote... Thats like quoting the rope salesman on his opinion about lynchings. :lol
hehe true. I thought that as soon as I finished writing it. :lol

You get my point though. Perhaps a better analogy is in order? :dunno
Rob Coleman said it best when he said people remember the OT Yoda much better than he actually was. He looks like a puppet in TESB and ROTJ. Simple as that.

I take comments from the people involved in the production with a grain of salt. I can think of numerous times, you watch an interview with someone involved with the CGI and they've poured so much of their life, they talk it up like it's great, totally believable, blah blah blah, but then you watch it and it looks fake.

Yes, the puppet Yoda had a pretty muppet quality to his facial movements for speech and all compared to a CGI creation, but I also think Rob's to close to what he does to really speak objectively about things.
That pupet looked more realistic than that CGI crap. I'll take ESB yoda over any of the CGI characters in the entire PT. They just don't seem like they take up space... they still all seem way to "fake" to me.
I've got the OT on DVD, so I'm fine with whatever tweaks or variations George would like to make at this point. It's like hearing a variation of a song you love. You always have the original version, and the variations just make you appreciate it more.

I'm down with a CG Yoda for the OT.
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