Lol, damn, Sideshow's taking a lot of heat over this project. I honestly don't get it.
I can perfectly see and agree with those who'd want more stuff out of the movies - not just creatures, but human characters. Ripley from Alien 1, 2 and 3, Hicks, hell I'd kill for a Dillon too. But I came to terms a long time ago that Sideshow just will tackle as few human characters as possible, even when it comes to comics stuff they try to avoid human unmasked characters. Been like that for years and I guess won't change anytime soon. Hopefully they'll at least try to revisit some Star Wars characters.
That said, there's also to consider that Sideshow is between hammer and anvil when it comes to many characters now. There are many popular characters they COULD remake but that would only piss off the original buyers and starts endless comparisons between new and old. So yes, while I'd really love for another Dog Alien maquette to be available without selling my firstborn, I also see why the owners of the first one would feel cheated, all that while wondering until release if today's standards can pull such a complex piece. Sadly, this also includes the original Alien Queen and Powerloader diorama.
And to be 100% honest - the Xenos designs in Alien 4 and AvP were crap. I'd pick this King Alien over any of them including the Predalien. Maybe I could agree I'd rather see a 1/4 Praetorian before this but that would still be digging into comics/videogames materials so not sure how many other would be down for it.
To be 101% honest, I think that the Xenos design in Aliens is radically different than from the first movie. The movies themselves are radically different. The first Alien is a suspance horror, the creature is elegant, sneaky, nearly ethereal - it's "alien" in the true sense of the word. Aliens is an action movie and the creatures are more of the big bad monsters to shoot at.
Each one has its merits of course but this is to say, this King Alien project has a clear footprint into it that immediatly calls to mind the Stan Winston's version of the Xenos. You can tell the design follows certain guidelines and when looking at the video and pics today I immediatly thought "yep, that's how Stan Winston would have done it". And this in my books is automatically a mission accomplished kind of thing in terms of concept and design.