Seems like the clothing hangs better on the stock body, and maybe the head is in better proportion? But definitely appreciate HT's approach to muscle bodies that much more now.
Well. I just put myself on the waitlist for the exclusive. I figure if I'm going to pay the full ridiculous price for this, I might as well get the exclusive. It'll force me to buy the figure if it does convert.
BTW, the regular is still available from a variety of retailers like Timewalker Toys.
I hope it sells out there as they're within driving distance from me and I really don't want to buy it right at this moment.![]()
Where is the waitlist for the exclusive?
I can only find regular.
Nevermind.....Found it.
I'm very much liking mine but I've noticed that they didn't put any blood on the chest as I'm seeing on other people's figure. Also they could have put more on the shirt too. There doesn't seem to be any on the shirt considering the entire movie he's hosed with blood. This is a trend I've started to notice with sideshow/Hottoys. My delorean has an upside down flux capacitor, my bruce will is came with a broken leg. My Marty was missing a hand... Seems to be always something with this company.![]()
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Looks like the average stock figure to me![]()
added a hot toys peg for the chainsaw (much more sturdier) and added duck tape in place of the teflon tape
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My EX wait list converted. Got on Feb 17.