It's good that the ones you got are all good

So far I have only purchased 10 PFs and to date the only ones that disappointed me with the final product's paint quality are Red Sonja Victorious and the recent BvS Batfleck. Still, it's undeniable that Sideshow's proto-to-final product result is like a roulette, and I think it's a factor with people's Pre-Ordering behavior with their products in recent years. You'd think that after all the competition that's become very popular they'd be more competent, but even 1 rushed Batfleck amongst solid releases like Sonja She-Devil with A Sword, Captain Marvel, and Green Lantern is still an evidence of inconsistency. I mean, they even told people that Batfleck will be released sooner just because their subcontractor in China completed the entire run almost half a year ahead of schedule -- why bother about sending the heads back and give them maybe a couple more months to have them redone? Another company would have done that. Not Sideshow.
Personally, it was my disappointment with the Batfleck PF that made me not GAMBLE a $70 NRD for Bane at our distributor. Thought I'd just wait it out this time and buy it even if it's going to be around $30 more compared to PO price. I'd rather I spend that extra $30 and be happy than end up being disappointed and poorer by $70. I still have hope with Sideshow. Confidence, not so much.
And I think just now I saw a remark on the Mr Freeze thread that he'd spend that much on P1 but not on Sideshow
Anyway, yeah a 1/4 Miller Batman is indeed long overdue. I think Bane is still best paired with Modern Age Batman, though. Miller Batman might end up being even bulkier than the OG Batman PFs and might make Bane appear smaller despite the proper scale.