Would like to get this environment for my upcoming HT Indy but w/ its price tag, I probably pass on it plus I intend to display my Indy in his classic looks.
I'm guessing by the shipping costs on this listing on ebay that this is one BIIIIIG piece
For that kind of money you could actually go to Egypt and look for the real Tanis!
remember when we all saw these updated pics w/Indy and we were all like "yay, it sort of looks like a new head sculpt......." yeeeah
What are the details? Was it you that got the deal?
Yeah, nobody seems to want my map room. Makes me sad. I thought it was pretty cool. Oh well. I'm just trying to get rid of what I have left. I took a major bath on it. Wonder if Sideshow is having the same trouble with theirs.
Sorry about the price. I thought it was a good deal at $100. Guess I was wrong. Should have been $10 apparently. The humanity. Definitely my last project.