So I got mine in.
Im going to look at this figure in two ways. In the eyes of a general collector, and in the eyes of a Halloween nut.
When it comes to figure, all the accessories gives this a 10. Sideshow maybe **** sometimes, but gotta love that all hands come with their own pegs. The tombstone has a nice weight to it and doesn’t feel cheap. The pumpkin( more on that down the page) is also a nice addition.
Here comes some criticism mixed in with some positivity. Lets start with the elephant in the room, the sculpt.
If you were judging this figure based off of sideshows horror line, aka their representation of these characters, it’s a home run. They knock it out with the creepy vibe of the mask. Although, QC is still an issue with sideshow, I got the dreaded lazy eye. Overall, if you look at this as a sideshow version of Myers , sculpt works.
But, if you consider yourself a die hard Halloween fan, this sculpt does miss its mark. Although the pictures people are posting and such don’t really represent this sculpt well, it still doesn’t look like what he does in the movie. I’ve always thought that the mask looks different to everyone. That’s why in mask community, you have a mask that represents a scene in the movie. Some work, some don’t. And for me, I have to have him look down and view the sculpt from above to like it. I give tots the benefit of having talented mask sculptors work on theirs as it shows. The tots 78 beats this figure sculpt wise for me. I see Nick castle in that. I see a cosplayer with sideshows.
The body, way to big and thick for John Carpenters Halloween. Nick Castle was a scrawny 5’10. Not a 6’5 monster. You could stick a 2018 sculpt and it can work.
The generic coveralls work for this figure. No company seems to get it right, we shall see if tots 2.0 in their accessory pack nails it. Same with the boots. They’ll do, but not accurate.
Now for the main event for me. The ghost Bob.
Sideshow QC strikes again. Glasses came broken. What is it with these people? The sheet was a little annoying at first, trying to make him look like in the movie and not a klansman. But I got it right and man is it beautiful. With tots coming out with their own soon, I prefer this over their wired, I’m just not a fan of wired products.
The sheet is nice and has some weight to it. The phone accessory is awesome.
Overall I think this figure as a sideshow piece is great, but misses the perfection mark, especially when it’s licensed as “John Carpenter’s Halloween.”
7/10- if the sculpt hit its mark, 8/10.
I don’t know if this will stay in my collection after tots accessory packs comes out. It really depends on how good that comes out compared to these accessories.
Edit: I forgot to talk about the pumpkin. I’ve seen a you tube video where they received the pumpkin with out the lights and battery compartment. The face is almost film accurate. But overall, it’s nice. I think it’s a bit wide and oversized, and I wish the light came with a flicker effect.