Darth Madden
You Are A Tooooooy!!!
I ordered right away and I am still "order placed" but I may take Buttmunch's idea and cancel and reorder to get the calander too.
I ordered them both before the 21st, so no calendar.
I ordered a shirt last night though so I can get a calendar. Sideshow has me by the balls.
Is Sideshow Collectibles: Volume 10 on delay?
I talked to Jennifer in CS last night. They stopped processing the catalogs last week because of the Holisay and also to process orders for Leia and other actual products and have started on the catalogs again, so we should start seeing them soon.
I talked to Jennifer in CS last night. They stopped processing the catalogs last week because of the Holisay and also to process orders for Leia and other actual products and have started on the catalogs again, so we should start seeing them soon.
Yeah, my Deluxe version finally shipped a couple of days ago... good thing I had a regular already!