Universal MODster
The DVD is something new - I personally have not viewed it, but I think there's some exclusive behind-the-scenes content, etc.
Yeah, but when??? (I'm sorry... I'm just impatient! )
The DVD is something new - I personally have not viewed it, but I think there's some exclusive behind-the-scenes content, etc.
So I am confused... Are there going to be two versions of the Book with the soft cover version $10?
OH I see. Thanks Lonnie. So has there been any word on how expensive the deluxe version will be? It sounds great...
I'm guessing around the same as #9... $100 to $125.
I'm guessing around the same as #9... $100 to $125.
The deluxe volume 9 was $100 and limited to only 125 copies...
Yeah, I'm getting me the super edition. Not even a second thought.
I am shocked Josh. Shocked!!!!!!!
FrodoSamPalpatine or Catalogue?
FrodoSamPalpatine or Catalogue?
The deluxe volume 9 was $100 and limited to only 125 copies...