In a joint effort between Darklord Dave, Frankenfan and myself I'm proud to let fellow Freaks and Sideshow enthusiasts know that there are now "official" icons available for iPhone owners that you can add to your iPhone "Home Screen" for instant access to our two favorite websites!
It's completely free, of course. We simply made web clips that can be added to any iPhone that forward directly to the sites.
To add either (or both) of these to your iPhone, simply follow these steps...
Add SIDESHOW Icon/Link To Your iPhone:
1. Access the web on your iPhone via the Safari browser.
2. Go to the following URL: webclip.us/
3. Enter the following clip number and press the "GO!" button: 66a22d9
4. Once the next screen loads, click the "+" icon at the bottom of your browser.
5. Select "Add to Home Screen".
6. Clear out the field and type "Sideshow" (this field dictates what name your icon will have on your Home Screen. You won't want all the default mumbo-jumbo that Webclip adds).
7. Click the "Add" button at the top right of the browser.
8. Done! The new icon has been added to your iPhone Home Screen! Now, all you need to do is click that to go straight to the SideshowCollectibles.com website!

Add SIDESHOW FREAKS Icon/Link To Your iPhone:
Follow the same exact steps as above, except enter this unique clip number in Step 3 to add the SSF icon: 2bee1b6.
In Step 6, you may want to name the icon "SS Freaks" so the name will fit on your iPhone Home Screen.
If you have followed the instructions, your new iPhone Home Screen icons should look something like this:


(Credit to Kurt "Frankenfan" for creating the official SS Freaks iPhone icon and thanks to Sideshow for use of their official logo!)
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