Got mine today! The chestplate is a little "off" but, overall, I'm very impressed by this guy!
Ok I redid the chest plate for the 2nd time and I got the color right too. I also removed some of the heavy shade on the helmet to match the rest of the armor. While I was MODing the helmet I broke off the antenna and I replaced it with a cut paper clip so its stable now and wont break again.
By "off" you mean postioning or look? The modded ones Lopie made like shown on the previous page hes selling at something like 10 bucks a pop.
had to have a laugh with my friend.
He got his Bacara a week ago, and hadn't had time to inspect it.
When he finally went to take him out of the box and display him..........
He had no head! We both just had a good laugh!
Fortunately our local dealer is fixing up the problem for him.
Nice pictures.. I just have him with his long rifle in one hand and a coffee cup in the other hand taking a drink. Killing Jedi in the back makes you trusted.I got Commander Bacara this weekend. Didnt' realize all the "issues" with it until now when browsing the thread. Really ashame. The modified version on the previous page looks great!
Here's my Bacara doing the robot. I dunno what else to do with those extra hands.
Would have wished I've known the mistakes on this before buying. Despite being small ones, it's gnawing at me.