Sideshow Commander Bacara Figure

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I don't think anybody should be surprised that the next one will be Neyo, although I can already hear the same cut & pasted crying about it
We definitely need Neyo to complete the Commanders lineup from ROTS.

I can't get enough of the Clones. Bacara looks great!
oh yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh............................ another clone..................:blissy

who knows SS may make the speeder bike for Neyo as well. Just like Dewback for the sandtrooper. and the " flying pod" for the droid.
Enough with the clones already. Bring on the Snow Trooper, Scout Trooper, Tie Fighter Pilot and Imperial Guards.
WORD!! :exactly::exactly:
For those sick of Clones, there are Bounty Hunters and Droids incoming for ya
Yeah, but SW coolness lies deep within the OT troops! Droids are ****, they even forget they are able to fly. Bounty Hunters are cool, but I want some hard armour type a guy like TIE, SCOUT & SNOW.

Last of the ROTS Commanders. They've certainly got through them quickly. However, we've still got airborne troopers, galactic marines, BARC troopers, Bly's troops and Neyo's troops to come.

I am here:,-2.272400

I hope for all the above as well and I am looking forward to them tackling the Clones from CW series too! All of them! Hope they are serious about the Clome Commandoes!
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