This will probably end up being heavily discounted. Best way to show them how overpriced it is, don't pre-order.
Isn't this 1/6 scale?? $425 is ridiculous. No way it will keep that value on the aftermarket. This shouldn't be any more than $250.
Is sad that they won't sell a lot due to the price then the line will get binned
I love Bruce Timm's art but its made for 2D animation. When you translate that to a 3D sculpt it lacks a lot of detail. This price is a joke, like everything else about this company.
I’m with you. These honestly don’t look any better than the cheap piggy banks they made for the animated series that I picked up at a garage sale for $5
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Problem is. They are not the same size. The DC Animated statues are bigger and that's a fact. Now if you think they are priced fairly is up to the individual.
Is sad that they won't sell a lot due to the price then the line will get binned
I made a similar point in a previous post. A PVC version of this same statue (maybe a little smaller but close) can probably be had for a fraction of this statue/price. And it probably won't look any different due to the nature of the animated character look. Pass.
Check your facts. This animated Batman is 16" tall. The Tweeterhead Batman is 18" tall has far more detail and costs $274.99. There is no one that can rationally think that the animated Batman is fairly priced.
Sometimes, it’s deserved
Check your facts. This animated Batman is 16" tall. The Tweeterhead Batman is 18" tall has far more detail and costs $274.99. There is no one that can rationally think that the animated Batman is fairly priced.
I wish this was BTAS seasons 1-3. Was never a fan when they changed the look.
They are not the same scale. I have seen both in person. And while the Tweeterhead version according to posted measurements may be taller because of the pose it is not a larger statue. Height is but 1 unit of measurement. The sideshow piece is 16" H x 14" W x 16 "D . The only official number from Tweeterhead i can find is 19' tall. generously i would say the width/depth measurements are 10" x 10 ". Not the same size. And being that only people that work at Sideshow or DC has any credible knowledge as to what went on as far as pricing. I think its perfectly rational that someone may see this as priced accordingly.
Uh, ok, whatever you say. They are pretty much the same scale, but regardless, you seem to be missing the point of the comparison. Not even really sure what this "credible knowledge" has to do with everyone (except you apparently) thinking this is overpriced.