Like what I wrote at Statue Forum, if we don't order this then Sideshow will have an incentive to make the statue right. I will not be ordering the statue until they put the lights in, who is making the decisions at Sideshow? If it actually does light up or they are in the process of adding it then disregard all of my past posts >_>
The Star Wars light sabers light up and when they don't light up, the red light saber is stil red and the blue light sabers are still blue.
Why could SS not have used that blue plasctic they use for light sabers on Issac?
If SS did that Isaac would still be blue even when light up effects were off. But realy blue when on.
Anotehr thing SS could have done was paint the statue (as SS did) but paint a coat of florecent paint on the "light up parts", that way Issac would have a light up effect at least when it's dark.
Light this thing up Sideshow, you mention in the video you want to tackle Dead Space 1 "first", If you intend on making more suits from part 2, light them all up or your going no where quick.
I would buy every suit variation from both games if they all lit up. Engineering, DS2 Engineering, Vintage, Advanced, and Security.
The detail of the Necro is straight up awesome. I would love to see them do another statue, maybe based off the second game or third, that has a standing Necro coming at Isaac.