Be prepared Chaser, you comment on $1000 to $2000 dollars as be steep and you are willing to offer $700 up to $800 dollars and that is your acceptable limit, I commend you on that, that said, the reason for one that the prices are being steep is the movie and after the movie comes out and I feel will be a hit, prices will continue to go up to another $1000 dollars based on the way Ebay sellers are, you may get the X-Force Version but that's a mute point when you want the Classic Red, but you have some options keep a eye on the boards in the For Sale sections, we are greedy but not Evilbay Greedy

and may find one within your price range, Good Luck on your search.
and to keep you on the straight and narrow
What Are You Looking At
Wade Here Enjoying the Ladies
Looking Good as Always
I can Tell the Ladies Burning Desire for my Form
My Turn to do some Drooling and Me Like
Now Scope it Out Ladies
Pretty Tight, Right!
I Make this Look Good
I Think I am going to Enjoy this Gig
This is a Must Have Piece for any DeadPool Fan, A Very Impressive Piece, Classic DP with all the Attitude.
Be Cool Chase