Eh, I think their Jabba, Bib Fortuna, Plo Koon, ROTS Obi Wan and Kit Fisto easily fell into that category as well. Vader, AOTC Kenobi and the troopers aside as they are not yet available, although the prototypes were awesome, you also forgot Darth Maul. --> :maul
But this is silly as the Smithsonian has Hasbro Star Wars toys in it too. Plain and simple, "Museum Quality" is a matter of perception and opinion. And to be honest, after seeing several of the SSF members' galleries of their 12" SW collections, I can honestly say I didn't stop and think, "Damn, that TESB Han has a pig face!" There's always something about every single figure they produce, with the exception of Padme and Yavin Luke, that captivate me by the amount of detail involved in the design, execution and yes, even quality, on a mass scale.
I have to agree. When I look at the stuff I still have or stuff others have I just look and admire how nice the stuff looks. Every piece has an issues from every company. People really need to try and enjoy their hobbies more instead of turning them into some kind of perfection game.