Exactly. Except possibly for Khev, every single person arguing for blue acknowledges the extant costume is brown. What is debated is what appeared on screen. I mean does anyone dispute the lightsabres actually consisted of wooden rods coming out of the hilt, instead of cylindrical, beams of light?
The fact the miniature was blue is extremely important. They may have discarded an actual blue coat at some point because it looked poorly under the light and filters they had selected. The brown actually looked the dark blue they seem to have originally wanted on film. The Miniature was simply kept the original blue because changing it was unnecessary given the conditions in which it would be seen.
No, the more you dismiss the multiple examples I presented by simply waving it away and telling us all how superior you ajre, you just look immature. Of course you laughably claimed that you knew it was brown all the way back in 1980, so I guess you are convinced of your own legend. If you were like any actual person in 1980, your main thought was 'holy ***** Darth Vader is Luke's father'.