I'm not certain why posting facts gets me called "immature"...
You could have met my photo analysis with some of your own. Instead you chose to belittle me constantly and announce how superior you are. Then you arrogantly dismiss the stated views of multiple users here as to what they see on screen and even dismiss a piece of screen-used evidence, which shows professional artists at the time either intended the design to be blue (if done before the live-action filming) or themselves observed blue in the live-action scenes with Harrison Ford.
But again you explicitly claimed that you knew the coat was brown in 1980, meaning you were superior even to the professional artists back then directly involved in Star Wars. I am sure those who agree with you will pretend that is not an absurd boast, but I am calling that out as a ridiculous lie.
And all of that is what in fact leads me to deem you "immature" (that is not "name-calling" it is a sincerely meant personal judgment as to your character).