It is definitely the film one.
I know its ^^^^ING GREAT!!!!
Its probably the 1/3rd from the Stan Lee video
Great and welcomed but not yet iconic. This would be iconic
Since the Mark 03 1:1 was this is a sure thing.
Probably 1/3 but they could have taken that design and made it 1/4 to fit in with the other pieces.
Rumor goes that there were maquettes created for all 3 Mark Designs as well as an Iron Monger.
I'm guessing about $799
Shai is pretty dead on with this especially since we've seen it before in the Stan Lee interview.
There is also rumor of the Mark 03 being produced at the same time in this same scale.
Looking at the chest, the light looks painted on not lit up. Also if its a maquette in the real sense of the word that Stan Winston Studios would have used it with its simply to keep design continuity for the propmakers of the film. It'd actually rather it be more like the ones that SWS actually used then to have it "upgraded" to be more of a Sideshowesque piece.
I think you are about right...I'm holding strong at $799
Agreed. I'm a huge Iron Man fanboy and this and the Mark 03 1:1 are perfect centerpieces.
I really don't think it'll light up because I remember reading that the original SWS Maquette which was given to Stan Lee didn't light up somewhere...I'll see if I can find the webpiece on it. Although it'll definitely be impressive to own and be the "Biker Scout" for the Marvel line.