Thanks. Yes, I would be surprised if the EX on this is more than 250 but hey, what do I know? I know the EX on the Swamp Thing maquette was 250 and that STILL hasn't sold out. I know part of that is due to the material on the Swamp Thing maquette BUT I can see this one having similar sales issues due to a) an older, better version, b) the mixed response on the look of this one, and c) the price point. And really, is Lobo THAT popular of a character where we needed another 1/4 scale so quickly? I mean if I was a huge Lobo fan, I would probably already own the 1/4 scale SSC original version and I'd probably have both the 1/3 Prime 1 and the 1/6 Iron Studios versions on order. Would I need this? No.