This piece is worth the money for those that get it. It was the most impressive piece I saw at SDCC. Its so very grabbing visually and the detail is truly amazing.
It was the highlight piece for me during the con.
I knew it would be worth this much.
there is too much work involved on this piece.
I was hoping for a light up feature.
It's so bad ass. And I'm not even a huge fan. But it makes me want to get that!
Maybe have to be my first flex pay piece lol
If this will be your frist Flexpay peace then you have done well for yourself. Almost all of my collectibles are Flexpaid!
I normally just pay for my stuff all at once but with so much coming out i've just made my first flexpay order with the Avatar AMP suit.
Jay, Someone would be crazy to try to pay $1,199.99 for a collectible all at once when there is Flexpay. I LOVE places like Sideshow Collectibles and Hollywood Collectibles Group that understand collectors needs for payment plans.
Jay, I am able to have more of the collectibles that I want because of Flexpayments. That is my whole point.
Yeah i know bud, i was agreeing with you when i said i'd have missed out on the AMP had it not been for flexpay.
24 inches in height
NRD will be $240 it looks like
Sideshow Alex
well they usually have 3 or 4 flex payments, so just do the math plus shipping on the final flex